Chapter 12: hes not home. Yet.

Start from the beginning

The smell was vomit inducing.

I guess the police had to wait on the fire to stop before they could take out the corpses and monster remains. That meant they where probably gonna be back soon. I have to hurry.

I closed my eyes and covered my mouth, trying not to gag or cough up anything. I opened my eyes once I had caught my breath, and kept moving. I pulled out my phone and looked at what room error stayed in.

Room 109.


Knew it.

I continue searching for stairs. I stumble upon two elevators. One i
Of the doors was open and the whole elevator had collapsed. The cord must have snapped and then it must have fallen down the elevator shaft and broke.

The other one looked somewhat in tact besides the ash and debris, but I wouldn't take that risk.

I saw a sign next to the elevators that was covered in ash and soot. I wiped it away, and the sign read

'stairway --->'

I followed the sign and eventually came by two doors. One was regular stairs, and one was a fire exit.

I open the door to the fire exit one and I feel myself nearly vomit.

In the ground was a human with their eyes rolled back. Their scull was open and they had clearly fallen. Their leg was burned, but besides that they didnt look affected by the flames. They must have escaped the fire and tried to run down the fire escape, only to trip due to their hurt leg, and fall over the ledge.

They looked so young too..

Part of the fire escape stairs had broken and collapsed, making them unclimbable.

Part of the ceiling was collapsed, and had let in the morning sunlight. The farther up in the building I looked, the more ashe and destruction their was.

I left before the sound of flies and smell of rotting flesh made me freak out. I went to the regular stairs and despite them being in a not-so-stable condition, I was able to use them to get upstairs. The fire had completely demolished the floor 2nd floor. Aka the floor error lived on.

I'm guessing the fire started at this floor..

I walked, looking for room 109. Some of the labels by the doors had fallen off. But I could still figure out what rooms where which.


I stopped at the door that was suposedly 109. The once wooden door was completely gone and the wall had holes throughout it due to heat. I climbed into the room. Avoiding all dangers as I do so.

The room was a confusing sight.

The area of the kitchen was completely destroyed, alongwith that side of the house. Yet, most of the living room and errors room was fine.. the windows where all shattered, and the ceiling was destroyed at two areas, both had a broken pipes hanging from the opening..

Is that..?

I walk over to the pipe and reach up, feeling the brims.

Small amounts of water dripped from the large tubes..

So the fire was started here.. an electrical fire. But... the water stopped the rest of the room from burning. It's only mainly the kitchen and everything torwards the hallway that resulted in destruction and soot. I opened his room and walked in. Some of the carpet was still wet, alongwith the bed.

A bed with answers

I found a noose laying on the bed, not yet tied to the ceiling.

A rope that held questions and answers waiting to be revealed.

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