Special chapter 3

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Here is another special chapter because I've been studying lmao.  Im definitely gonna fail chemistry and geography but its fine y'know??

I have exams tmr and for 2 weeks after so after i finish them, im gonna upload the actual storyline instead of these special chapters :) enjoy!

This doesnt affect the plot/ has nothing to do with the actual story


Shouta watched as Hizashi was trying to calm down a crying 5-year old Fox.

Why was Fox currently 5 years old? He accidently got hit by a quirk when fighting a villain.

Little Fox was sobbing, "I wan' Kat!!"

Hizashi was panicking since Bakugo was most likely sleeping  but Shouta didn't care if he was or not. Shouta walked over and picked little Fox up and started to head over to the 1-A dorms.

"Sho?? Bakugo is probably sleeping! We should just wait until school tomorrow!" Honestly, Hizashi just wanted to keep little Fox a bit longer.

Shouta ignored Hizashi and let out a sigh of relief when he sees the dorms. Carefully adjusting the still sobbing Fox in his arms, he quickly jogged to the door of the dorms. All while Hizashi was still trying to convince him to wait.

Shouta didn't even bother knocking and slammed the doors opened, he quickly looks around the room and sees a confused Bakugo sipping a glass of water on the couch.

As soon as Fox also spotted Bakugo, he immediately stopped crying and started making grabby hands towards him. "Kat! Kat! 'm here!"

Bakugo, still confused, slowly stood up and watched as Fox wriggled in his teachers arms to try get out.

"..is that Fox?"

Rolling his eyes at the question, Aizawa placed Fox on the floor and watched as Fox ran over to Bakugo and attach himself to his legs. "He stupidly got hit by a quirk." Upon hearing the insult. Fox stuck his tongue out at Aizawa with a 'bleh'.

Bakugo shook his head and bent down to pick Fox up. It was cute how Fox's tail immediately started wagging fast at the fact Bakugo picked him up. Bakugo settled Fox on his hip and looked at a puffed out Hizashi and an extremely tired Shouta.

"Bakugo I'm putting you on Fox duty whilst me and Present Mic track down the villain that caused this." Without giving Bakugo a chance to respond, Aizawa used his capture weapon to drag Hizashi out the door with him.

Bakugo watched the door closed but quickly got distracted as he felt Fox pulling on his hair.

There was no one in the common room since it was almost three in the morning but Bakugo was glad he went down to get water cause he didn't, who knows what would've happened to Fox if someone like Denki got put on 'fox duty'.

"Kat! I missed you!"

Bakugo softly smiled at his partners adorableness.

"I need to take photos of this shit just to torment you when you get back to normal."


Little fox? {Bakugo Katsuki x Male Oc}Where stories live. Discover now