Special chapter 2

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Again these chapters have no impact on the actual storyline!


-Bakugos not so secret crush.

Kirishima watched as Bakugo was staring at their classmate with a scowl. For the past few months Kirishima has watched Bakugo get more angry and grumpy at Fox for no reason at all.

"What did he do to you? I don't get why your drilling holes into his head." Bakugo only grunted in response to let Kirishima know he heard him.

Suddenly, Bakugo whipped his head around so fast that Kirishima thought he broke his neck. Confused, Kirishima looks up and sees Fox approaching both of them.

"Hey Kiri! Hey kat..."

Kirishima scrunched his face at the tone Fox used to greet Bakugo. He looked over to his bestfriend and was absolutely shocked to find him with a blush and red ears. He watched as Fox smiled at him then threw an arm over Bakugo and walked away.

"I knew it, he liked him." Kirishima thought as he watched them turn the corner.


Bakugo was internally freaking the fuck out.

Fox had casually waltzed over in all his sexiness and stole Bakugo without much effort, normally Bakugo would fight but he couldn't bring himself to look at Fox.

Fox stopped at a quiet corridor and practically shoved Bakugo into a wall. Bakugo grunted and looked at Fox to gauge his feelings...his tail was swaying but was it an angry sway or not? He'll never know.

Fox had a weird glint in his eyes that Bakugo has never seen before, "Why did you stop talking to me? I'm sorry that i confessed to you but you don't need to ignore me! You could've told me you didn't like me like that instead of just walking away!"

Right, last week Fox admitted that he liked Bakugo. 

Bakugo did like Fox but he freaked out at the time and just walked away, It was a coward move but it had to be done to save himself from embarrassment!

"Y'know i honestly thought you liked me. That's why i confessed. I thought you would say you liked me back but I'm sorry i got it wrong okay? I still wanna be your friend but its fine if you feel uncomfortable with me, i-"

Fox couldn't continue his speech because Bakugo had pulled his tie down and brought him into a kiss.

It was short but sweet. As soon as they parted, Bakugo shoved Fox back and covered his blush ridden face.

"Fuck up dumbass. I..I do like you okay? You happy now?! I practically just embarra-" Bakugo was cut off with Fox grabbing his face with his two hands and connecting their lips.

Fox swiped his tongue over Bakugos bottom lip to gain entrance but Bakugo kept his mouth shut. Fox rolled his eyes at the stubborn boy and pulled back.  "Y'know its not 'embarrassing' to admit your feelings? Especially if i confessed to you like last week."

"..shut the fuck up."

Little fox? {Bakugo Katsuki x Male Oc}Where stories live. Discover now