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By the time his daughter awoke, the farmer had fed all the animals and done most of the chores. He hadn't slept a wink but that was partly because of his visitor at midnight. Tae was completely unaware of how much he needed to see Jungkook until he appeared on the porch. To spare him of the awkwardness of attempting to conceal what happened, Tae told him immediately that he knew all about the little girl he was helping. Jungkook explained everything, about how he'd been able to save Nabi and update him on her progress. It had been easy to get her to feed once she was fully awake and the only problem he had to overcome was the fact that she was practically a blank canvas with having no memories. Jungkook told Tae that she was scared and he'd left her on blankets in the corner of the room she was in but at least she was alive... or as alive as a vampire could be. Tae told the old vampire that Yumi was upset that she'd asked him to hide Nabi from him and to expect apologies so he was prepared.

A raging heat spread through his body, like nothing he'd felt as a vampire, when Jungkook told him that he felt like he was living in a dream. Tae took his hands and placed them on his face, kissing each finger and smiling as the ancient man closed his eyes. "This is real... look at me." Tae whispered and it was Jungkook's lips not his fingers that were the next thing against Tae's lips.

The night time visits were precious time together and they knew that it wasn't enough but it went unsaid for now.

"Have you done everything, Appa?" Yumi asks as Tae gets ready for them to spend the day at the house castle.

"Everything is done so we can go now. Is there anything you'd like to take for Nabi? Does she need clothes?"

Yumi's face lights up, "Good idea! I can give her some of mine. I couldn't get her changed before... do you think Jungkook-ssi saved her? Do you think that she's okay? Do you really want to meet her, Appa?"

"I know she is okay, Jungkook visited and told me... she's okay, Yumi so let's go, huh?"

The little vampire girl squeals in delight, "Are you still in court? Let me get some clothes, I think Nabi will like dresses... she can have some of mine, I like trousers more. Nabi is a little bit smaller than I am so I think the dresses will fit."

Tae giggles, "Being in court is something else entirely, Yumi... Jungkook is still courting me... I think."

"Oh... okay."

Once the little girl has stuffed some dresses into a bag and found a pair of pumps for the newest vampire, the duo head off to the house castle. Tae recognises the feeling he gets when he's close to Jungkook which started the first time he was caught up in his scent. Yumi sees that the door is open so they walk through with the little girl rushing through the house to the steps that lead down to the room.

"Yumi, wait... make sure you knock on the door, you don't want to scare her." Tae calls out.

Jungkook is sitting in the room when the father and daughter arrive. The small single bed has been pushed to the side and there is a pile of pillows and bedding in the far corner on the right hand side where Nabi is curled up. Yumi looks up at her father, "You said she was okay, Appa." Her small voice breaks as she speaks.

"Nabi is scared, Yumi... she has been feeding, she's fine... she's just scared." Jungkook says softly.

Tae places a hand on his daughter's back and crouches down, "Go and do your thing, Yumi."

The little girl puts the bag down and steps towards the corner. Jungkook moves to stand beside the farmer who gets to his feet. Yumi pauses and looks behind her just at the moment that the two men shared a kiss and the biggest smile broke out on her face. She silently clapped her hands and bounced before composing herself and speaking softly to Nabi:

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