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"Hello sunflowers." Yumi chirps as she skips down the path to the witch's house.

"Someone is happy today." Jangmi comments as she greets the little girl, sitting on a chair looking out at her garden.

"Jungkook-ssi is courting my Appa... or something like that."

"He is? That's wonderful... isn't it?"

"I don't know what that means. Jungkook-ssi asked me to say yes."

"Did you say yes?"

"I did but I don't know what it means, Jangmi-nim."

The witch smiles sweetly at the little vampire, "It means that Jungkook wants to pay special attention to your father with the aim of being together. He asked for your permission because you are so important to your father."

"And Jungkook-ssi... I'm important to him too. So does that mean they are boyfriends? Does it mean they are going to kiss a lot? I think they were kissing when I left them alone when I was last here."

Jangmi laughs, "I think they are working towards being boyfriends... which probably means they will kiss."

"My Appa got Jungkook-ssi to take his gloves off. How is Nabi? Did she feed like I showed her?"

"She's still the same, Yumi. It's not looking good."

Yumi's face drops, "I don't want her to die... die again."

"I know but our options have run out now, it's been a long time."

Yumi walks into the basement and sadness hits her as she sees the same huddled figure on the straw in the corner. She goes over to the child and feels desperately helpless.

"We need to take her to Jungkook-ssi!" She exclaims.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes! He helped Fluff and I think he has magic... and he can help Nabi... I can't leave her/"

"I can put her on the sled if you think you can pull her there?"

"Yes, yes... we need to do it now!"

They move quickly, with Nabi being wrapped up in a blanket and in a state of semi-consciousness, it was relatively easy. Jangmi walked part of the way with Yumi but stopped and turned back once they were close. She didn't have anything against Jungkook but stepping foot on his property, was just a bit too far for her.

Yumi couldn't risk dragging the sled to the front of the house castle in case anyone saw. Tae was in town and had a day full of chores, due to visit Jungkook tomorrow. The little girl was breaking the agreement by straying from the witch's house because that's where she told her father that she would be spending the day but she hoped that he wouldn't mind if she was with Jungkook.

"Jungkook-ssi, Jungkook-ssi... please... I need your help!" She cried running up the garden after leaving the sled at the boundary fence, worried that she could hurt Nabi if she tried dragging her through the fence.

The old vampire was busy in his bedroom. Things had been hotting up with Tae and all the restraint in the world wasn't going to last forever. In the time since he'd got permission to court the farmer, their lives had pretty much been a continuation of before. Yumi visited as usual but when Tae arrived, they were given alone time by the little girl who used that time to sketch in the garden.

They were making plans too. Jungkook wanted to make the effort and after hunting one night he'd scouted out the farm just so he could see it but he felt compelled to get closer. It was the dead of the night, the smallest hours of the morning when he stood on the porch and was surprised to find the farmer wrapped in a blanket, rocking in a chair, reading a book, light cast by a small lamp beside him.

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