Decision That Change Lifes

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My Name Is CheezyGamer, A Pro Game Addict. And A Certified Military Weeb, And Anime Otaku.

and this is MeNo Job, No Life, And Single Forever

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and this is Me
No Job, No Life, And Single Forever.

And Add Salt to my Wound. I am now broke. Thanks to my financial planning that just like Maginot line, I am now in shambles and trying to do anything to not starve.

Doing Retail Jobs, Being A Janitor, And Delivery Driver. And it's not enough.

Until I Found A Game in the internet.
Hope Fighters Online. I found it while I am searching for money schemes, until I saw this out of nowhere.

The Game is more like website rather than a game. When I was going to exit the game, I get a notification message.

Congratulations! You Are one of the participants for the new early event tester! You will Play The Event that in the alpha stage and Get a Cash For Playing Missions, 100 Dollars Per Mission! Are you Going to join?

Yes No

I am Stunned of what I just read... 100 Dollars for Finishing Missions. Just Play the alpha stage, and get money in the process. Wait!? It's kinda sus... Hmmm........

Well I am Broke if this is a Scam I just try to end my life. It's fine there's nothing to lose now!

I Click The Yes Button, "The Message Disappear.... Well I think it's a Scam! Agh! I get fooled! You dumb ape!" I Get So Angry that I going to try it. But Before I try to prepare the ropes, a message suddenly appear again.

You Need To Use VRHead Gear To Play HFO, Sorry For Inconvenience.

I stared at it, and realized why it's more of a website, because it's a Virtual Game Rather Than Normal Game!

I Ready My VR HeadGear And Connect it to the computer. And goes to sleeping position.

As I close my eyes, I said the word.
"SYSTEM START!" As I said it, I get a flashing Lights And Now Standing in a white void. As I look Around, I see my VR games floating around.

"Let's See.... Doki Doki Club, Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Remastered, and So Many Games...." I just realized how many games I just finished.... So Many Hours to Wasted

Well I Skipped the games and head to the one I going to use now.
Hope Fighters Online. Just as I touch it, The White Void suddenly wrapped by blackness. And A Blue Box With Word appear in front of me.

Welcome To HFO! I am The Creator of this game!I Created this Message for the Alpha Testers! I will love if you support me for just playing my game!

Ok.... Well I After I Close the message, I suddenly teleported in to a room, a nice living room with a couches and surrounding a Glass Table.

I Tried To Seat to one of the couch when a blue box appear again.

(Cancelled) Muv Luv Universe X GamersWhere stories live. Discover now