Chapter 1: The Horrid Truth

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
July 20, 2007. Currently the end of the first semester of many students in Japan one particular school decided to release their students much more early than they were supposed to.

One such student was the 18 year old, second year Arata Atsuko, who was known to be rather soft-spoken and kind to others. Although, this early release was supposed to be a dream come true to most students, to him it was a both an eye opener and a nightmare.

He was currently standing infront of his room, in a state of stillness and despair as he heard 3 voices that echoed from his room.

He was currently standing infront of his room, in a state of stillness and despair as he heard 3 voices that echoed from his room

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???#1:"AAAH~ AAAHH~ Yes! More! More!" The first was an older woman's moaning voice.

???#2:"That's right! Pound her like what you did to me as well!" The second was a much younger one's, but older than his own in indication.

???#3:"We don't care what happens! Just rough us up all into mush!" The third one sounded like a girl that was also older than him but also younger than the second one.

He knew who they were, he wasn't born yesterday. These were the voices of his mother, Nana Atsuko, his older sister, Reiko Atsuko and then his girlfriend, Rei Usagi.

He was beyond devasted, not only did he hear his the people he trusted his life with betray, but also hearing the person they betrayed him for.

???:"4:"Hmpth! What about that loser, Arata?" A male's voice was heard.

It was clear who it was. The voice was visible. It was his bully, Toru Saburu, who was known to be the worst bad boy student at his school.

The 3:"We don't care about him! We love you more than him!" The three responded.

This was the final blow. Arata finally let out all his sadness in the form of tears that exited his eyes and onto the second floor's floor as he began to walk back towards the stairs.

He goes down back to the first floor as he sat down on the couch in despair as he still hears his bed, creaking as well as the moans all visible at the second floor as he began to think.

Arata:"...Where did I go wrong?" He asked himself.

Arata began to contemplate on what he did wrong to make them move away from him, but he couldn't everytime he tries to remember everything he did together with them, he always did everything.

He was kind, soft-spoken and always do everything they tell him to do...

Arata:"What a joke. Am I really just a servant to them?" He asked himself again.

This time, that thought stayed. Did his mother, sister and girlfriend really loved him in the first place. Did they even acknowledge him as someone more than a servant who does their bidding?

The Cheated Good Son (Depressed Male Character x Yandere Cheating Family & GF)Where stories live. Discover now