Then the image of the dance reappeared in my head. I wanted to ask her for a while now, but I've never gotten the chance.

"Evie," I caught myself say before even thinking of her name. Lie, I was always thinking of her name.

She looked at me. "Already? Just a couple more minutes," she asked beggingly.

"No, I didn't mean we should leave. I wanted to, uhm..." Suddenly the words wouldn't find their way to my lips. They lingered in my mind, but not beyond that. "Uhm..."

A giggle left her lips. "Are you alright?" she asked, stepping in front of me, placing her head against my forehead. I froze up. "You feel a bit cold, but it's probably just the wea-"

"Do you have a date to the dance?" I asked bluntly, and it clearly shocked her.

She retracted her hand. "No, unfortunately not. I haven't put much thought into it. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not sure if I want to go."

"And if someone asked you?" I asked, a little more nervous than usual.

She smiled softly. "I'd be keen on going, yes." Her cheeks faded colour. "Are you asking me to the dance?"

A silly smile filled my lips. "I might be considering it..."

Evie gave me a soft glare, even though she knew I knew she didn't mean it with any harm. "Maybe I'd say yes."

I found myself taking a step closer to her. "Do you want me to ask?" I smiled.

"Do you want me to answer?" she teased, lifting her head a little more back.

To my own surprise, I lift my right hand, placing it on the side of her face, caressing her skin. "Will you please go to the dance with me?" I asked before watching her sweet smile become sweeter.

Then Evie nodded. "Yes. Yes, I will!" she said in excitement, suddenly jumping forward, wrapping her arms around my neck while I caught her around her waist.

When I placed her back down, there was a knock on the post office glass. We spun around, seeing some angry, old normie chase us away. This time, she grabbed my hand and started running. I managed to snatch her headphones before we ran for our lives; her laughing afterwards.

We didn't run far before we managed to get under trees on the road to Nevermore. There, the rain wasn't as hard, and we could walk. I had her headphones around my neck, and her hand in mine. She hadn't let go, and I didn't want her too ever.

The air felt fresh. Although it was a bit foggy, it felt fresher than clear air.

We walked all way in silence. Yet, once we stepped into the school building, Weems stood with crossed arms, as if waiting for us.

"And you two were?"

"Jericho, ma'am," I said, making her frown deepen.

"You missed the busses? Both of them?" she asked, her voice a bit softer.

Evie nodded. "We were in the coffee shop ma'am. We lost track of time. We're deeply sorry ma'am."

Weems seemed more satisfied with her words, than mine. She gave a nod, and stepped aside, allowing us to pass.

With her hand still in mind, she led me up the staircase, but I then led her to her room. She was quiet all the way, but I wouldn't blame her. I didn't say anything either.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I said as we stepped in front of her door.

Suddenly her bedroom door flew open, and we both looked at a very worried Enid. "And where have you been?" she asked, before even acknowledging me. "Oh, you're here," she said, before her eyes trailed to our hands. "Oh," she said in realization. "Right."

She stepped back, shutting the door. Then Evie started laughing, making me smile as i looked down at her. When her eyes met mine again, she smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Ajax."

Then the door flew open again, and Enid grabbed Evie's hand. "Great, now I need her back."

Evie smiled, giving my hand a light squeeze, before letting it go. Enid pulled her into their room, before shutting the door.

There I stood, a bit awkward, looking at the door. Yet a smile filled my lips. I turned around, walking down the staircase, before making my way to my room.

"Yo?" Xavier frowned when I stepped in front of my door. "Where have you been?"

"Jericho," I answered, making him frown lightly.

"It's nearly ten pm?"

I sighed. "Great. Yeah, I've figured. I uhm. I was there with Evie. We were in the coffee shop."

His eyes winded. "Oh, and?" he grinned. "You ask her?"

I pushed my door open. "Night Xavier."

He laughed. "Oh God. You did. Did she say yes?"

Laughing lightly, I shut the door behind me. A wide smile stayed on my lips. She did say yes. She said yes to me.

"My Evie..." {A.P.}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin