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Not good. This is not good.

I tap my foot anxiously on the floor as I recount how many pills I have left. Shit. This won't last until finals. Midterms, maybe. I glance back up at my computer screen to check the time. Crap. It's already 6 am? There's no point in sleeping, breakfast starts in an hour anyway. Okay, that's fine. I'll just power through the day.

Opening up my email account, I attach three versions of my essay answer and send it off to my dad. I hope he won't be mad that I didn't send them last night; eight hours late isn't a big deal. At least I did it. Of course, I did it. I can do anything. If there's a will, there's a fucking way.

The autumn sun shines through my window as I get up and change into leggings and slip on a pair of runners. I perch down on Rosé's empty bed as I tie my shoelaces. She's probably still sleeping in her king-sized bed. Lucky bitch.

No. No negativity. Positive thoughts only. A runner's high, that's what I need. Hopefully, the endorphins will keep me going until after classes end. I grab a sweatshirt from my dresser before heading downstairs to the track. Crisp air nips at my skin as I swing open the emergency exits. Immediately, my gaze darts towards the faint chatter coming from the parking lot.

"Keep the change, mate," she slurs, slamming the door of the cab shut. She runs a hand through her hair, a mischievous grin forming on her face as she notices me.

"Uh oh, busted." Jennie holds out her hands, pressing her wrist together. "I surrender, Officer. Take me to jail." she pauses, tossing me a wink. "Rough me up if you want, I can take it."

"Oh my God, are you drunk?" I ask, the scent of liquor permeating the air as she takes a step closer to me. "It's like 6 am. We have class in a couple of hours, what were you thinking?"

"Correction, I was drunk several hours ago," she counters. "Now I'm just stoned." she loses her balance for a second, letting out a laugh. "Okay, perhaps I'm wasted." she gives me a quick once-over. "Why are you awake so early? Going for a little jog, are we?"

"Have you slept?" I ask, scanning her glazed-over eyes.

"Have you?" she asks. "You look tired, love. Did you stay up all night?"

"We're not talking about me right now," I state, side-stepping her as I check my watch. "You have two hours before class, go take a nap...and a shower. You reek like booze."

"Nah, I'm not tired," she says, suppressing a yawn. "I'll think I'll join you for a run, get the old heart pumping, you know."

"Run? You can barely stand," I say, popping in my headphones as I head towards the track. "Go to bed."

"I can sleep when I'm dead," she says, jogging up behind me. "So, how was your weekend? Do anything interesting?"

"You're seriously going to run laps with me?" I ask, entering the field. "God, you're stubborn."

"One of my many admirable traits," she smirks, spinning around and running backward.

I roll my eyes, keeping a steady pace. "You're going to fall."

"Me? Nonsense! I'm like a cat, excellent balance," she boasts with a cocky smile. "So, how was your weekend? Did you finish your essays?"

"Yeah, I did, but now I have to rush my history project so that's going to be fun," I groan, rounding the track. "And I still need to approve the catering for Homecoming and meet with decorators on Wednesday."

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