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"Hey, wake up." My eyes flutter open as Lisa shakes my shoulder. Her touch is like a feather, light, gentle. She's probably scared to piss me off again. "We're here."

Already? I just closed my bloody eyes. Yawning, I stretch out my arms before mindlessly slipping out of the car. The sky is almost dark, remnants of a sunset linger behind the thick clouds. I shouldn't have napped, I feel fucked, like I'm in a haze. Fortunately, it's nothing a little Jameson can't fix. As she says goodbye to her driver, I sneak a swig of whiskey, hoping it'll perk me up, give me some energy.

"Alright, well you kids have fun, okay?" he says through the rolled-down window. "Call me when you want to get picked up."

"We will!" she exclaims, waving at him. "Bye hedi."

"Bye sweetpea," he sings, starting the car and driving away. I wish Jacque, my father's twatty driver was as cool as Hedi. I wouldn't be caught dead drinking in the back of his car. Father would surely have me beheaded.

Lisa sidles up to me, a hesitant look plastered on her face. "Little groggy?" she asks, gesturing for me to follow her up the driveway to the four-story ivy-leaf-covered mansion. Shit, everything sure is bigger in America. My eyes dart to the grand fountain in the middle of the courtyard, a mermaid emerging from the center, water spurting out of her mouth. So tacky.

"A little, yeah," I admit, rubbing my eyes, distant rave music echoing from inside the house. Oh, and their music sucks. We're off to a great start already. Why am I here again?

She halts by the fountain, biting her lip as she asks cautiously, "Are we good? I didn't-uh...I didn't mean to offend you or anything earlier. I honestly thought you were kidding about teaching me...you know."

I scoff. She's really worried I'm going to go rogue tonight. "I was kidding. Like I'd let you actually ride my bike."

I'm not sure what came over me when that offer escaped my traitorous lips but evidently, I wasn't thinking clearly. Perhaps I'm a sucker for a sob story.

"Oh," she hums, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I thought so. Okay, well, are you ready?"

"Whatever," I sigh, swinging my arm over her shoulder. This is better than holding her stupid sweaty hand. She's a perfect height for an armrest. I look at her. "You're a little taller for me, you know that?"

She rolls her eyes, wrapping her arm around my waist, gripping the sides of my jacket as we walk up the concrete stairs towards wooden doors. "I'm five foot six, that's average. Sorry that I'm not a dwarf."

"Dwarf? sorry to say love, me in five foot four is more average for people in our age" I muse as the front door swings open and three of our classmates run out towards us, curiosity radiating in their eyes. Oh great, the welcoming committee.

"Lisa!" Rosé screams. Bloody hell, she's loud. "You're here! And you've brought British-girl!"

"British-girl?" I whisper to Lisa, lifting up an eyebrow. A nickname, interesting. "Is that what you call me?"

"Among other things," Lisa smirks then turns her attention back to her friends. "Kai, wendy, rosie, this is jennie, my uh- my girlfriend."

Kai and Wendy look familiar, I'm fairly certain they're in several of my classes. And everyone knows Rosé, she's hard to miss. Or hear. She might be the only person who actually talks in class, granted, it's usually over the teacher.

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