"He's-Steve's your-but he-he's straight isn't he? He used to call me a fag..." Eddie huffed.

"He recently realised he wasn't straight, and I used to use that word too even though I'm gay. People change, you gave me a chance Ed's.." Billy pleaded.

"Alright fine, you can bring him, but if he starts being an asshole I'm going to start swinging." Eddie muttered.

Billy nodded. "We'll be there as fast as we can, no need to punch the princess, he won't be an arsehole." Billy promised before ending the call.

Steve looked at the blonde softly. "You defended me.."

"You did the same for me. If I deserve a second chance so do you. Now C'mon pretty boy. There's a damsel in distress awaiting our arrival~"

They found Eddie watching forlornly as his van was towed away, smoking and spluttering.

"I can't say I'm surprised, that rust bucket looks like it has been running on fumes for years." Billy snorted as he clapped Eddie on the shoulder.

"It had character!" Eddie protested.

"It's character was dying Munson, admit it. Now c'mon you cry about your van at Steve's. I'm freeing my tits off out here." Billy huffed as he went back to the car.

"It's not even that cold but fine." Eddie muttered as he followed, glancing at Steve as he passed. Steve awkwardly returned back to the driver's seat and drove back to his house, Eddie glaring daggers into the back of his skull the entire time.

The awkward tension continued at the house.

"Of course your rich." Eddie snorted, chains jangling as he got out of the car.

"I know it seems like Steve is an entitled rich boy but he's really not, give him a chance Eds." Billy mediated. He never thought he'd be the voice of reason. He was really getting soft huh? Though maybe it wasn't so terrible-if the adoring look he received from Steve was anything to go by.

"Fine. Whatever. We'll see if this jerk has really changed." Eddie muttered as he walked into the house.

Billy took Steve's hand and followed, heart clenching in worry. There was no way Eddie was going to want to be in a relationship with both of them if he hated Steve this much.

I used to hate Steve though..now I love him. Maybe Eddie will too?

Eddie plonked himself on the sofa. Brown curls bouncing. He looked up at Billy and Steve with dark eyes. "So? Why'd you invite me over?" He asked, arched an eyebrow as he played with a ring on his finger.

Billy shuddered remembering how those rings felt against his skin. Now was not the time for his mind to go there.

"We want to talk. Well more so Billy than me, but first I realise I need to apologise. I was a dick to you for the last three years. I'm sorry for how I treated you and everyone else. I'm changing. I shouldn't of been so obsessed with fitting in, that's what my father wanted, not me. I just wanted to play basketball and have fun. I didn't care about being King Steve...I didn't even really like the stupid parties, they were too loud. I know it's a long overdue apology now I'm in my senior year and it probably means nothing to you. I can't blame you for hating me, but I really do regret being such an asshole. You seem like a pretty cool guy, even if your music taste is a little heavy for me. I want to start over but I understand if you don't want to." Steve rambled. He had a tendency to do that.

Eddie was uncharacteristically quiet for a while before flicking a strand of hair away from his forehead. "Insulting a man's music taste isn't the way to go about making amends Stevie boy." He chuckled.

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