The Orphanage

148 3 1



10:00 AM December 24th

Newman's house


*Knock knock knock*

Y/n: "Newman?"

*Knock knock knock*

Y/n: "Newman?"

*Knock knock knock*

Y/n: "Newman?"

The door opens before I'm able to knock again, revealing a surprisingly well-dressed Newman holding the door open.

Newman: "Yes?" He questioned, confusion apparent on his face.

Y/n: "Sorry to bother you but I have a few things I think are worth your time," I state, pulling a plastic bag filled with items from my Inventory.

Newman: "What is this?" Newman asks, rifling around the bag and pulling out an assortment of different items.

Y/n: "A few days ago, I was attacked by some members of the Midnight Organization, these are some items my attackers had." I explain, gesturing to the bag with my hand.


Achievement unlocked: Making oneself known
Desc: Make your first big step in assisting the H.M.S with their goals.

+50 Reputation
+25 Rp (Newman)
+ H.M.S Shop


Newman: "I see," He paused, seemingly deep in thought. "Here, grab my hand. I wish to take you to the H.M.S." He states, holding out his free hand.

Taking his hand I quickly find myself back in the familiar halls of the H.M.S.


Checkpoint unlocked:

H.M.S Main hall


Newman: "Come." Newman insisted, quickly walking down a hallway. "I wish to give you something." He says, turning around the corner.

Although curious about what Newman means I decide to keep quiet and simply wait for him to show me.

Y/n: "Whilst we walk, can I ask you something?" I ask, turning my head to Newman.

Newman: "Of course," Newman assured.

Y/n: "Well, I was curious if there were any reports about Alexander meeting other versions of himself?" I questioned.

Newman: "Other versions of himself? I'm afraid I haven't seen anything about that, however, there are easily thousands of reports about his journeys, there's bound to be something there I'll let you know if I find anything of that nature." Newman told, turning away and opening a door, leading to a room filled with an assortment of items.

Newman: "I know it's not much but," Newman began, gesturing to the room around him. "This is the H.M.S shop." He finished, turning to face me.

Y/n: "The H.M.S. has a shop?" I mussed, taking in my surroundings, potions, accessories and other things line the walls and shelves around the room.

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