Kai crept on top of her, taking his time while pretending to not notice the way he was driving her crazy. Cinder wanted to grab and kiss him but she (miraculously) forced herself to be patient.

"What were you reading?" he murmured softly, heading towards her neck.

"You know. The PHT article." She said, careful to not let her words tremble.

"What part?"

"Uh," she summoned the article back, "Note 37."

"Mmm," Kai's nose grazed her cheek, then jaw, "The part about Lunars?"

"All of them are about Lunars. But yes."

She could feel his smile on her skin, "Would you mind reading it to me?"

She sighed, "Note 37: Lunar citizens who do not observe the laws on-," he finally kissed her neck, "using new technology, specifically the" another kiss, "Bioelectricity Lock-" kiss, "will be asked" kiss, "to leave the public hover-" kiss, "and to not" kiss, "access public transportation-" kiss going upwards, "until they install-" kiss on her jaw, "the lock and show-" kiss on her cheek, "proven records" kiss on the corner of her lips, "of the necessary procedure."

"Force will be used if someone refuses to leave the public hover, then the hover will trigger an alarm that will notify the nearest Police Station," he added just as he reached her lips. Still smiling, he tried to pull away but Cinder grabbed his shirt and kissed him.

She kissed him hurriedly, unlike his careful, cautious touches. She was impatient and hasty, digging her fingers in his hair.

They kissed until Kai pulled away with a large grin on his face. Then, he rolled off of her but still held her waist, and dug his face in her neck. He didn't do anything, just rested there while they caught their breath.

He pulled Cinder closer until she was facing him and pecked her cheek and went up to her lips then her temple. Just like magic, her drowsiness returned and she huddled closer, feeling safe and relaxed in his arms. Not too long after, she fell into a much needed sleep.


Kai watched his wife's body rise and fall. Cinder slept peacefully and deeply. She usually woke up before him (probably due to her internal alarm) and never slept enough.

Recently, Kai had been making sure she had. He would drag himself to bed earlier than usual and drag Cinder along with him.

Proven just last night, this method works.

In the mornings, he would do anything possible to keep her from waking up. If she woke up, he would convince her to not get out of bed yet via whispers in her ear. That either relaxed her or tensed her. It was a 50/50 shot.

This morning, there was no need for whispers or hugs. She slept for such a long time that it was bordering on 'oversleeping'.

Now, Kai had to wake her up before someone would come looking for them.

He started to stroke her hair, smoothing the flyaways and curling strands on his finger. Cinder slept facing Kai, her lips upturned just a tiny bit as if she were having a good dream. He wished she was.

He loved her hair, he loved touching it, he loved combing it, he loved pulling it, he loved styling it, he loved everything about it. More he loved her skin, face, lips, eyes, hands, legs, feet, nose, etc. He loved everything about her.

Cinder began to wake, her face twitching slightly. She opened her beautiful brown eyes, covered in a morning haze. She smiled when she saw Kai staring at her. Her lips were touched by magic. She looked ethereal in this sun, absolutely wonderful. He couldn't believe that she was his, forever tied together, even now after their marriage. Though, it didn't feel like it would go away in an instant anymore. Now, they could their time loving each other,

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