Secret Santa

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Cinder walked to her car in seemingly below zero weather, cursing Iko for making her wear this thin outfit. Her toes felt frozen in her boots! Iko said that she should look good in front of her crush, which just happens to be Kai (alright Cinder admits it) who was throwing the Christmas party. She really hoped he had a warm house.

The engine struggled to turn on, making sputtering noises as if it was a dolphin. Maybe she should check on that... Tomorrow. Today, she worried if Kai would appreciate her under-price gift.

The car finally came to life, making Cinder laugh in relief. She'll get to the party in time, for sure.

She was late. Ten minutes late, to be exact, but she didn't really care. She wore a thin green dress with leggings underneath (thank the stars), black ankle boots, a scarf, and gloves that provided no warmth. At least no one would see her scars. Oh, and she had bare arms that are covered in goosebumps. This party better be worth it.

She got out of the car and was grateful for the shoveled snow. At least the snow wouldn't melt and then freeze again in her boots. She remembered the first time she came to Kai's house, thinking that it was big. The dorky germaphobe that everyone liked was rich, no surprise. Now she was used to it, after having been here too much.

There were too many cars in the driveway and the curb. Kai didn't like crowds and he said it wouldn't be that many people. She wondered what happened. After walking up the front porch, and touching the cool icicle on the railing, Cinder knocked on the door, not expecting to see Kai's smiling face immediately after and 'Last Christmas' playing through the speaker.

"Cinder," he cried, excitement rolling off of him in waves. It made her blush, "You're here. I have been waiting for you!"

He hugged her, making her blush more. She hoped her already flushed face from the cold hid her visual feelings for him, "You're so warm."

"Oh. Sorry," he let go of her but she immediately hugged him again.

"No, I'm freezing, please warm me up."

"O-ok," They stood, hugging, on the front porch for a little bit before Cinder realized that they were hugging on the front porch.

She let go of him, regretfully, "Let's go inside."

The house was warm, as she hoped. She still wished for a jacket though, "Why aren't you wearing any layers?" Kai asked.

"Iko convinced me not to."

"Really? How?"

By telling her that Kai would probably kiss her in that, "By telling me that it was fifty degrees Fahrenheit tonight and that U could take it."

"It's twenty-eight, below freezing point," he turned sharply to a closet and pulled out a thick coat, "Here put this on."

"Oh it's ok, I'll warm up" Kai put the coat around her shoulders, "Thank you."

He smiled, "Your welcome. And when you're all warmed up, you can just give it to me," he hesitated, "You look very pretty."

Cinder felt her heart speed up, "There's a lot of people here," she said, changing the conversation.

"Oh, I did not invite them all, certainly, but rumor got out that I was having a 'party' and everyone decide to come," he shrugged sheepishly, "You were the first one I invited."

"I feel honored."

"You should," they walked together, maneuvering around people, to the main space where there were even more people.

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