Third Wheel

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Cinder stared out the window into the city of New Beijing. She's been here for less than a week and already she felt like she could relax. Sort of. The press was breathing on her and Kai's neck about why the Lunar Ambassador is staying at New Beijing Palace and want an answer. But they wouldn't get one yet.

She fiddled with the red engagement ring that only her friends knew about. It was nice to have some people know about the engagement so she wasn't all alone. Especially Iko, she's the best at covering the engagement when it comes to slip-ups in the public, even though she is the one who most wants to announce it.

Speaking of which, the same girl came bursting through the door, dragging in Kai, "GUYS!" she exclaimed.

"What," Cinder said, eyeing Kai. He shrugged.

"THERE'S A NEW SHOPPING CENTER!" she was practically jumping up and down, "WE HAVE TO GO!"

"Can't you just go alone? We have stuff to do-"

"It's no fun to go alone. I know what you're going to say 'ask Tress', well guess what? She's visiting her mother on Luna, so she can't come. So you guys are going to go in their place."

"I thought Kinney was visiting us for a week?"

"Yeah, but he's terrible when it comes to shopping."

"He's going to come anyway because Kai and I are."

Iko paused, "Spades, you're right. Dangit. Well, we're going anyways. You need the experience and I'm sure Kai hasn't shopped before."

"Is that an insult?" asked Kai.

"To me it is. And we're going to fix that."


The four of them stepped out of the hover one by one. Iko first, Kinney last. Iko gave Kai and Cinder black hoodies to blend in. Kai and Cinder had to walk in the scorching sun from where the hover dropped them off to the shopping center. Iko was delighted and left Kinney, Kai, and Cinder in the dust.

"So what do we do?" Kai asked before entering the building. Cinder leaned on him and intertwined their hands.

"I have no idea," she rested her head on his shoulder. He placed his head on hers.

"Maybe we should follow her?" Kinney suggested.

"But where'd she go?" said she.

"Probably the shoe department," he looked uncomfortable for some reason. Maybe because she and Kai were all coupled up and he was just standing there awkwardly.... oh. But she didn't want to let go of Kai yet.

"Let's try the shoe department," Cinder began to lead Kai into the building, Kinney behind them. She didn't try to talk because that would make the situation more awkward. Kai began to hum a soft tune. She recognized it and began to hum with him. He squeezed her hand when he noticed her singing, putting a flutter in her heart.

They did not find her in the foot department, unfortunately, so they went into the next store. Cinder made small talk with Kai which resulted in a kiss from each other on the cheek. Then she would feel bad about Kinney and try to act normal, but she couldn't be parted with Kai. Poor Kinney.

They found Iko drooling at a dress in the window display. Iko spotted them and waved for them to come.

"Look at what I found!" Iko said as soon as they arrived.

"A dress, nothing special," Kinney said.

"Shut up, you."

"Make me."

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