Daddy issues

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𝐓𝐰𝐬: 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬, 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥
{Creds go to itzemmiex ty for the idea!}

𝐓𝐰𝐬: 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬, 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥 {Creds go to itzemmiex ty for the idea!}

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Simons pov:

I did it again, I gave my dad another chance. He texted me to have a sleepover so I said yes. I packed my things that I will need and lied to my mom that I was sleeping over at Ayub's house. She obviously believed it and it was a Saturday night so she didn't mind. I walked to my dads apartment which is a 8 minute walk so I didn't mind walking.
I took a breath before I knocked. After I knocked my dad answered right away and gave me his weird creepy looking smile. He smelt like alcohol, again. He welcomed me inside and I put my bag on the floor.

  I sat down on the messy couch. He gave me a can of coke and sat down next to me. I got an uncomfortable feeling but I ignored it. "So how's school?" He asked. "Well it's good, I'm getting better at my education." I answered making no eye contact with him. It was kinda awkward. A few minutes later he got a bottle of beer and started chugging it. I then got really uncomfortable after what he done to me and Sara in the past so I scooted more far away from him. He got another bottle of bear and chugged it faster. He scooted really close to me and yelled "WHY SO SCARED HUH?" I flinched. I was starting to regret ignoring the uncomfortable feeling. Was he gonna hit me? He then gave me a bottle of beer "Drink!" He said kind of in a commanding way. "I-I don't drink" I told him. I really wanted to leave but I don't know the right time. "Why not? Just drink idiot." Him saying that made me even more anxious.
That's it, I'm gonna make a run for it. As I rushed for my bag he grabbed me by the ear and pinned me against the wall. Now I was terrified. "WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING STUBBORN ALL THE DAMN TIME!?" He yelled in complete anger. I just stayed silent with tears threatening to spill out of my eyes in any second. But I didn't wanna cry in front of my awful father. "OF COURSE, ALL YOU EVER DO IS CRY YOUR JUST LIKE A HELPLESS LITTLE CHILD WHO LETS ANYONE WALK ALL OVER YOU. YOUR USELESS." He yelled even more. Little tears started coming out of my eyes. "WHATEVER" after my dad said that he dragged me out the door and threw me down the stairs along with my bag. "DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YOU STOP BEING A HELPLESS LITTLE KID." He screamed and then walked back into his apartment slamming the door.
   It took a lot of difficulty to stand up. I grabbed my bag and started walking out of the apartment.
  After 2 minutes I took a shortcut by walking across the football field. But once I was in the middle I couldn't even walk anymore. I was so terrified and my legs were so painful so I just fell on the grass. I didn't even want to go home or my mom would find out I went to my abusive dads house. Sara would also find out if I called her. Rosh and Ayub were both at their families house so I couldn't call them either. All I could find in my contacts was Wille. I really don't want to worry Wille but I'm in pain right now.
Wilhelm's POV:
I got a call from Simon, I thought nothing of it and just thought he was just bored. But I pick up the phone hearing really heavy breathing and crying.
"Hello Simon you there?"
"W-Wille please come"
"Simon what happened!?"
"Just please come I'm at the football-"
"Hello!? Simon!?" I began to panic. Why did he hang up? I rush to get my shoes and jacket and quickly get out from my window so Malin wouldn't see me. I'm pretty sure he's at the football field. It's a 15 minute walk there. But I ran as fast as I can. I really hope Simon is okay.
No ones POV:
When Wille got to the football field, he saw a figure who looked like it was having a mental breakdown in the middle of the field. Wille ran faster than before to the figure and to no surprise, it was Simon.
Simon looked like he had been crying for a long time, he was breathing way too fast that Wille never heard of before. Simon was also shaking pretty bad especially his legs.
Wilhelm's POV:
I've never seen Simon like this ever. I gently as possible placed him in my lap. He wouldn't stop hyperventilating and crying though which broke my heart. "Hey, look at me" I said with the most calmest voice ever and cupping his face removing most of his tears with my thumbs. His eyes looked really red. "I'm here now it's okay" I said while putting the side of his head on my chest. I could see he couldn't talk or else he would break even more, so I didn't make him talk. I rocked back and forth a bit while humming softly. He was just sniffling and crying a bit. But I didn't mind, he was in pain after all. I rubbed my hand on his hair because I knew it always makes him happy and calmer. After 10 minutes all I heard was just sniffing. He was also hugging me tight while listening to my heartbeat.
"Wanna sleepover my place?" I asked. He did a mini nod but he was still sniffing. I then put his bag on my back and carried him since his legs were in pain. There was probably bruises on his legs. I went to the bus and went to the back of it even though nobody was there. The driver didn't really seem to care. I put Simon on my lap again and he puts the side of his head on my chest again to feel my heartbeat. I played with his hair again while looking through the window. He was unfortunately still sniffling. After the bus took us to Hillerska I carried him inside. Nobody was out after 10pm even Malin, so it was no big deal carrying him to my dorm.
After we got to the dorm I put the sniffling boy on my bed. His clothes looked dirty and the poor boy wasn't wearing socks, shoes or jacket. I went to my wardrobe and got my hoodie. I asked if I could change him and he nodded. I took off all his clothes gently except his boxers and put my oversized hoodie on him. I realized that there was bruises on his legs so I went to the bathroom and got a cold cloth. I went back to Simon and started rubbing softly on his bruises. He refused to make eye contact with me and was still sniffling. After I put the cloth back I crawled over him and sit against the wall. He struggles to go to my lap so I grab him in the gentlest way possible and lay him on me.Thankfully 20 minutes later he stopped sniffing.
"Can you tell me what happened?" I questioned. He sat up from my lap and faced me. His eyes were still red. "My dad asked me for a sleepover, I stupidly accepted and went to his house. He began drinking and it was making me uncomfortable. I tried to leave but he slammed me into the wall and-" Simon just stopped randomly trying not to cry. The arms I put around him earlier got a bit tighter. My eyes were all focused on him. "H-he said I was a useless child who lets people walk all over me." One single tear fell from his eye but I rubbed it away with my thumb. "A-after he threw me d-down t-the stairs." My eyes widened. My poor Simon had to go through all of that. He began to cry again so I took the cold glass of water that I didn't even drink from my beside table and slowly fed him. He only took a few sips and he also sniffled again while drinking but it calmed him down. After he was done I set it back on the bed side to where it was. "Listen to me, you are not a useless child, you are Simon Erikson and you don't always have to give people more than 2 chances." I told him. His face looked like his throat was tied up in a huge knot. "C-can we go to sleep? I'm tired" he asked with again, his beautiful deer eyes. "Of course we can Simme." I smiled.
I layed on my back and I brought Simon to my chest. After him hearing my breathing he fell asleep. I feel so bad for him. But here he is right now, protected in my arms sleeping. I couldn't sleep half of the night because I was worried if Simon was gonna have a nightmare. But I also got pretty tired so I fell asleep at 5Am.
(Btw Simon hanged up on the call because his phone died)
I hope you guys enjoyed!!!
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