Chapter 6

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I slipped my cape over her, she curled a smile slipping over and I grinned fixing her bangs behind her elven ears. The sun was beginning to set within the hour, I should bathe. I sniffed myself and cringed, yep, definitely should. Pulling my body up, I made my way to a lake. She's close enough for me to sense her. I pulled the brush back and slipped off my pants and got into the water. I splashed the water and then traced the mark her talons left. She got me pretty good. I paled rinsing the blood from my chest, so she has no control over those in her sleep. I'll try and see if she has a pressure point so that doesn't happen again. I pulled my hair into a high bun using the water to leave it up as I ran the liquid over my skin. "Aaravos..?" I froze and slowly turned to the woman. She rubbed her eyes as she leaned against a tree, my face darkened by the second. Stay calm Aaravos; "Thorn, turn around." She yawned but did so and I shifted out of the water and put my clothes on. "You okay?" She stretched, popping her muscles. "Yeah..." she slurred, she was barely awake. My gaze softened and I set a hand on her back. "Come on, you're barely awake." Her head leaned back and she blinked; "whys your hair wet? You'll get sick," I chuckled, she's out of it. She walked beside me rubbing her eyes and blinked; "okay! I'm awake! Why is it dark?" She paled making me laugh as we took our seats her eyes trailed me and her skin darkened. "I'm sorry," she hid her face and I grinned, now she realized. "You're fine, I noticed you were out of it when you spoke," she paled giving a chuckle and I leaned back. "Though considering we've been together for the last...month?" I questioned and she nodded, "I should know this by now," I smirked making the woman grin. "I've always been slow when I wake up, usually I jump into the snow and I'm up but with everything being so warm it just makes me sleepy." She grumbled puffing those rose-budded lips and her bright rubies met mine. Then her gaze shifted and her brows folded, I watched as she stood and leaned back. Her hips swayed with every step to the slight bounce in her breast and that stern gaze filled with worry. She crouched and leaned forward, I winced, grabbing her hand. Our eyes met, "did I do this?" She whispered her brows folded as I loosened the grip. "I'm fine," she frowned then her eyes snapped to mine. "Let me heal you," I raised a brow," I wasn't aware you could do that?" Her gaze softened, "you don't know a lot about me Aaravos," she countered and my orbs widened; "just as I don't know a lot about you." I chuckled as she held out a hand and I allowed her mine. "Then let's get to know each other better," she smiled and then bared those fangs. My face flushed as she pulled my hand to her lips and her tongue raked my skin, freezing the flesh or cooling it. I couldn't tell, my face only felt hotter as I saw the small daggers trace then bite into my skin. But it didn't hurt, it tickled and made me want her to do it again. That electric feeling had already grown to be an addition, this made me realize how much I missed that buzzing through my body. Her eyes shifted down than those eyes; they flowed a bloody red and I noticed crimson markings appear on her skin. Her lips are soft. They parted from my hand as she licked the blood and ice tailed over the wound and she set it to her thigh letting the cold do its work, she bit into her own letting my blood cover her wound, and her hand pressed against my chest and she chanted. I watched as ice covered it, but it was red and it swirled mixing together, and when she was done water dripped down, and not even a scar was left. "Better?" She whispered, the makes slowly faded away and I reached out, cupping her face. "Extraordinary," her orbs widened and I noticed a beautiful shade of red stain her snowy complexion. Her gaze shifted and the woman glanced away making me chuckle. "Red suits you beautifully, Thorn," I whispered leaning into her as those ruby gems met mine. Her gaze softened, "thank you, Aara," she gave a playful smirk and I couldn't stop my own that matched hers.

"Let's play a game!" She chirped, I grinned at the woman seeing her almost dance across the earth. Her movements were graceful and elegant, her body moved dancing with the wind itself. "Alright," I spoke and watched as she spun, letting her body slip and guide through. Then she ended, "let's play two truths and one lie," she smirked and I grinned giving a playful glance as she skipped beside me. "I've heard of that, it's a humans game, you tell two truths and one lie and the other as to guess." She bobbed her head; "correct, ladies first," she snickered making me roll my eyes. "Ha ha," we grinned and I paused. Let's see, I grinned. "My favorite color is blue, I love spicy food, and my least favorite primal is the Sky." She hummed; "the sky primal is a lie, you always smile at the stars." I chuckled, "you are correct, the Sky is my favorite because of the stars, and I love messing with electricity. My least favorite is Ocean because of how difficult it is." Her orbs widened and she hummed, "wow, I wasn't expecting that, though I understand because you weren't naturally connected." I nodded at the woman. "Yes, I almost drowned when I connected to the Ocean." Her orbs softened and she gave me a soft nudge making me grin. "Your turn," I whispered and she smiled. Her brows folded and she hummed and then smirked. "My favorite flower is a red rose, I have a brother, and I love writing or anything artistic." My gaze softened, a rose shits her, it has to be the brother she was too genuine on the other two. "The sibling." She nodded with a grin, "yes I'm an only child," I grinned, "me too," she smiled and I continued. "So writing?" I asked and her eyes lit up, "yes I love writing books and stories, creating something out of nothing has always been so beautiful to me and my dad says I have a strong knack for drawing!" She giggled her body moved happily as she clasped her hands together. "Your dad?" I asked and raised a brow, I mean it wouldn't surprise me. She hummed and nodded; "yes you actually saw him before we left," she spoke and I tilted my head and folded my brows. It couldn't be that kid who was all over her and I didn't get to be around other Snowfall. Then my orbs widened, unless? "The dragon? Nivia?" I asked and her gaze softened, my lips parted as I stared at that warm smile. "Yes," her father, is a dragon? I don't want to know how. I paled at the thought and turned to her curious gaze. "Your not mad I didn't tell you..?" she questioned and I smiled and ruffled her bangs. "Why would I? I never asked," she let out a breath and I pulled her into me. She stiffened then wrapped her arms around me humming softly. "Thank you, it's your turn." We grinned at each other and I ran my thumb over her face and pulled her bangs away from her gaze. "Alright," I cooed softly making her skin darken and we continued forward. My gaze shifted and I took a breath; "I love books, this goes for both reading and studying. You are the first company I've had since I came to Xadia, this discludes other Startouch and lastly, I crave your very touch," I whispered, we had stopped as she stared at me with wide eyes. Her lips parted and she tucked her ivory locks behind her ears. "The Xadia?" She questioned folding her brows yet her eyes held this hope, the hope that it was a lie. "No," her orbs widened and she shifted, her hands set to my shoulder and I leaned into her. "Those were all truths, I've seen your face when you pull out your tombs." A chuckle left my lips as I looked down at her. "Seems they were," her hands slid over my skin as they carved their way around my body yet she cupped my arms. "Why were you alone?" I folded my brows, "I," I paused, no I need to do this, I want to be truthful with this woman, I want a future with her. I can't lie to her; "I created black magic," she paused then her gaze softened a smile falling into her lips and I released a breath. "Thank you for telling me," she spoke and I chuckled; "you're not mad? It's the very reason for this war?" She sighed and I twined my arms around her waist, not dipping further. "No, because this war was built on petty fear. You gave the humans something that is both dangerous and respectable. This balances things and helps them flourish, while the very thing I am fighting for is stupid. I never understood why we fight for something so idiotic, I want to choose how I live, I have seen enough bloodshed and have murdered more than enough to not seek that anymore. I don't want to walk blindly into a war I don't care about. But I will, because it's what my dad believes in." My orbs widened as she gently gripped my arms and I smiled, wiping those tears I set my forehead to hers. "Then choose, we all have paths and a future ahead of us. Why fight for something you don't care about?" Her gaze softened as I held her face. "I don't even know where I would go, leaving means I will be banned from the Snowfall." I folded my brows and she frowned, a hum slipped out and I stared into those gemmed iris. "Walk with me, I want you to be in my future Thorn. Do you want to be in mine?" Those rubies lit up, tears brimming them as I wiped them away; "I do want you in my future," she whispered and I felt her body relax into mine, almost as if she melted into me. "Then May the stars guide us to our future." She grinned as I relaxed against her. "May the fallen Snow rise and guide us home." My gaze softened and I grinned, I care about you so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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