Chapter 1

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He had this look in his eyes, those beautiful honey orbs, that just made you wonder. Just how many people did he kill? But, with his fingers tracing my jaw and that smirk, made me realize, he's lost, count. And those lips met mine, pulling me in and I knew. No, I've known. That I was his from the very beginning, and I couldn't stop just how much I craved him.

My body moved easily, sparing against my competitor as swords clashed and barred, yet I pissed him off with each move. He knew I was going easy on him, and he hated that. "Dammit! Take me seriously!" He yelled as my gaze narrowed and I smirked, "Don't come whining to me," I warned and I was in front of him, slashing up I dodged his fist and spun using my leg to smash into his legs knocking him off and he fell and I caught his sword and aimed it to his throat. He groaned and fell back as I slammed the blade into the dirt; "Don't go crying;" I grunted out as he rolled his eyes; "Thorn!" I snapped my head to the Sunfire elf, the current Queen of the Sunfires. She grinned and motioned me over, and my gaze met a tall man adorned in golds and blues, he wore a royal crown showing he was of importance. "Yes, Aditi?" I asked pushing the blades into their hilts, "My Dear, this is Archmage Aaravos, he's come to aid us in the upcoming battles. Aaravos this is Thorn, she's one of the top swordfighters here and is in command of the Snowfall armada." We gaze a nod to each other; "Nice to meet you," I spoke setting my weight to one hip as he plastered a smile; "You as well," his voice is deep, we turned our gaze to the Queen; "Aditi why are we being introduced?" I questioned making her chuckle; "Because," she stated making me pale, I'm not being told something. My gaze shifted to him and I met bright golden eyes that almost dripped like honey and that golden sweetness seemed to be devouring every inch of my frame. He's not good at hiding his intentions; "You asked her to introduce us?" Her smile shifted and her main command called her so she left us. Those orbs held a mischievous intent as he chuckled; "That I did, Snowfalls are known for their blood magic, not swordplay and your skill in weapons was interesting to watch. I've never seen anyone throw a blade in the air and time it so perfectly." I hummed, hearing that deep tune that seem to flood over me, crawling its way through my body and wrapping itself around me. I couldn't decide if the tune was sweet or seductive, "I'll take that as a compliment, and I do use magic I just prefer blades." His hum filled my ears as I fixed a strand of ivory from my snow-stained skin. "Pardon, Archmage Aaravos and Commander Thorn." We glanced at the Moonshadow elf, his gaze was hard against us as he spoke; "The Dragon Queen requests you both," I gave a nod to the Dragon Gaurd who turned forcing his way forward with quick harsh steps against the earthen floor. I shifted my gaze to the tall male who easily towered over me, for a mage he's rather fit. "We should go," I spoke his honey pools clashed with my crimson. "Of course," he almost whispered and our feet moved in sync, slower than the Dragon Guards but quicker than those around us. I wonder why Queen Luna has called us? My eyes scanned the area, most were near tents some trained and others talking. "This war is against the dark mages?" He broke the silence, and my gaze shifted to him for a minute yet it didn't stay long. "Yes, the Snowfalls, Dragons, and Sunfire elves have aligned together against them." I felt his gaze as we began to climb stairs to the top of this small mountain, the faint chatter and roars filled our ears letting us know that a disagreement was happening. "Did the other races disagree?" He questioned as a hum slipped from my crimson-stained lips; "I don't know," we appeared before the white feather dragon, and her eyes shifted to us as the others set their gazes on us. "Thorn, a pleasure to see you again." She purred as I bowed my head with a smile; "You as well, your majesty." She chuckle as we shared a grin and her gemmed amethyst eyes turned to him; "And you must be the Archmage." Her head lowered as my gaze shifted over the others, the earthen dragon, electric, sun, and winter. "That I am," he countered, her chuckle filling our ears almost shaking the very ground. "I see, I shall get to the point; Thorn you and Aaravos will be traveling to the Moonshadow clan and asking their aid." My orbs widened; "Ma'am I lead the Snowfall who will take my place?" Nivia slipped over and I paled at the male; "No offense Nivia, but yer really shitty at keeping their attention." The dragon of ice chuckled and stretched his blackened talons; "Thank you for the inside Thorn." We chuckled at each other, "Why of course," I stood in a sass-filled pose acting hurt and battling my lashes making the group grin at me. "I'd ask you to inform the others that while your gone Nivia is in charge," My gaze shifted to the Queen and I hummed; "Alright, Nivia if they get out of line threaten them with running fifty laps around the mountain." He paled, "And if they don't abide," my gaze darkened as I smirked and titled my head; "Make them run fifty, respect is earned not given you keep your word and you gain respect." I stated with a shrug as Zubeia chuckled; "Still as cruel as ever." I gasped setting a hand to my chest, "Why thank you!" We grinned and chuckled, "Aaravos I entrust you with the scroll." I glanced seeing him take the paper from the female Dragon Gaurd. "Thank you," he spoke and gave a small bow, she seemed amused with him, "Inform the Snowfall and be off," she commanded. "Yes ma'am," I spoke and we turned trailing down the mountain as he set the scroll in his robes. "I'll go ahead and speak to the Snowfall if you need to go ahead and get things packed." The glazed syrup slipped to me, and they almost softened set something seemed off. Why does it feel as though he's planning something?

Arms were wrapped circling my waist as the man refused to let me go; "But Thorn!" he whined making my brow twitch; "You have five seconds," I warned the silver-haired male, yet those baby blues stared into me as he whined like a pup. I gripped his shirt, then water splashed him, and my eyes fell into Arravos. He held a cheeky smirk across those blue heart-shaped lips, yet those pools of honey were darker almost menacing to the man who released me and wiped his face. Then Xanders blues turned to the taller man and I shifted away before he grabbed me again. "The hell, why'd you do that mage?" He spurred, a red hue hinting at those blues and I felt a chilled hand, set on my shoulder. "Because it is rude to grab any lady like that," his tone was sickly sweet and it was obvious he was being passive-aggressive. But his hands were cool against me, it felt nice almost like a small subtle electric current traveled through me at his touch. Yet, I knew my skin was colder, I'm surprised he was not chilled. Xander's anger showed through his blues, a dark dripping blood-colored red covering and hued them as he bared those fangs. "Mind your business," venom laced into his voice as his gaze seemed to be as if he would tear the start man to bits, this idiot. A sigh flooded my lips catching their attention and I set a hand to my face; "Xander, calm that temper, Aaravos don't encourage him." I turned my gaze up seeing those honey orbs soften and an almost cute pout filled those heart lips. "But!" Xander started and I narrowed my gaze at him and his body froze, stiffening as he sighed; "Yes Commander." He grunted, his ears drooped slightly and I lightly smacked Aaravos for having a cheeky smirk. "I will throw you," I warned him as he smiled at me, "Alright." He beamed and I groaned setting a hand to my face; "You're going to be troublesome, that cheeky confidence is going to get us in a world of chaos." I whined softly seeing Xander sulk as he left, "Chaos is fun," he countered and we began to walk. A hum slipped through my lips as I saw that cheeky smirk; "Will see, if this chaos damns us your taking responsibility." I said crossing my arms and leaning further into him as a triumphant grin appeared; "Alright." He spoke and I raised a brow, "You're a weird one." I claimed and slipped from his grasp smirking at his tiny pout and slipped to my tent and grabbed my bag and pulled it on. My gaze softened, he waisted outside, that's rather sweet. I smiled and checked my bag, my book! I turned my gaze and then paused, here we go, I grabbed it and slipped out. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded, "Yes, you got everything you need?" He grinned at me; "That I do," and with that, we left the camp.

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