Chapter 3

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I grumbled curses, I dread the walk through Sunfire elf territory. His gaze shifted to mine as I flipped the sun off; "What are you doing?" He questioned, "Cursing the sun." His chuckle filled my ears and I whined as he lowered my hand; crimson met honey as my brow twitched at that signature smirk. "let me curse the damn thing," I grumbled as he laughed, "I guess Snowfalls hate the heat?" I puffed my cheeks making him cover his mouth as he snickered at my reaction; "Too much heat can kill us," he froze, his head snapped to mine and I noticed his folded brows. "Will you be alright?" He asked and my gaze softened at the man, "Yes, I just can't go into their kingdom as long as we stay away from that I'll be fine, just incredibly hot." I glared at the sun, then my orbs widened, he wrapped his cloak around me and I felt a shiver race my spine. It's cold? I met those honey orbs as he messed with the golden clip and I felt my face flush, why doesn't he wear a damn shirt? I glanced away from the toned mage and his sweet hum filled my senses and our gazes met. "This should keep you cool," he whispered, that deep tone tracing down my spine as I felt that electric current grace my shoulders as he fixed a piece. "Thank you..." I trailed and folded my brows; "Will you be okay?" His chuckles flooded the woods and he gave me a soft smile, it overflowed and filled me, calming my senses at such a tiny act. "Yes I will, let me know if you get hot and I'll use a water spell." That smile slipped away a smirk replacing it as his honey orbs help this playful mischief and I grinned; "I will throw a snowball at you," our laughs twined together almost making a symphony as our voices clashed and mixed together. Our gazes met as he grinned, "But if start feeling unwell tell me immediately," my gaze softened at him and I nodded. "I will" that soft smile filled his lips, it's just the heat that's why I feel warm. We began our walk across the brazen lands, I wonder how this thing works. I raised my arms and I gasped and began to just move my hands on the cape seeing the stars move I giggled as I shimmied in it, there's a hood? I pulled it on careful of my horns and snickered. "I am Batman," I giggled and heard him snort, my gaze shot to his seeing him laughing his ass off. "You're so cute!" He laughed and my orbs widened as my face got hot, I ignored how my heart lurched against its cage and puffed my cheeks; "I ain't cute! I could literally slice and dice you!" I yelled making his laughter grow as he held his stomach. "Oh, by the stars," he took down air and turned to me, I kept my pout plastered on my lips as he smirked. Then the male leaned forward lightly tugging the hood and his gaze softened as he gave his signature smirk. "I don't believe you would," he claimed and I raised a brow, "really? You sure?" I challenged and his gaze became playful. "Mhmm," he cooed, his voice became deeper, and it slipped into my ears and crawled through my body. Sending a shiver down my spine, it made his smirk grow as if he was satisfied with my response from his voice alone. Then he slipped the hood off and fixed a long strand of ivory from my face. "There we go," he smirked as those pools of honey studied me and I glanced away. I could feel that damned smirk, I pulled away and my feet quickened against the earth. I set a hand to my chest, what the hell was that? He appeared beside me, crossing my arms I turned my head and heard his chuckle fill my senses. "Hey at least I didn't grab you," he countered and my gaze turned to his cheeky one. "Don't push it," I warned making those aurum orbs soften.  

I opened my jug and began to chug the water, capping it I breathed out and wiped the sweat from my brow. A breath slipped from my lips as I set the jug in my bag; then cool hands pressed against my forehead that spark went through my body and I leaned into him. "Your starting to burn up," he muttered my gaze shifted to him and I felt my body sway. He paused then opened his arms, "Is this okay?" He spoke slowly and I paused my orbs scanned the attractive man and I moved my body and leaned into him. His arms wrapped around my waist and my cheek lay against his chest. I released a breath as I felt his hands snake up my back and pulled me closer and my hands ran up and rested against him. He set his head on top of mine and fixed his cape around me. Then his fingers began to trace my spine, he was drawing a rune. I hummed as he pulled me closer and whispered a wind spell. It slipped over my body, raking the heat away as a sigh flooded my lips and I smiled. "Thank you," I whispered and his chest heaved as his husky laughter filled my ears. I ignored my flushed skin as I stared up through my lashes, I noticed his lips part and those syrup-filled orbs glance over me. "of course," his smile filled those heart lips, it almost made me melt into him. His hands shifted straying away from my hips and his touch was gentle, like the time he held my hand but it was softer as that gaze began to devour me again, my gaze shifted and my face flushed. This time he pulled away and gave a smirk, he's respecting my boundaries. A smile slipped into my lips as I gripped his cape and ran over walking beside the man. It's nice, to feel like someone actually cared about me. 

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