2: Midnight Solo

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Wednesday awoke from a dream with a sudden jolt, it was a surprisingly pleasant dream but that was the limit of her recollection of it. She forced her head back onto her pillow but had no luck. After more trying than she had patience for, Wednesday slipped on a black hoodie and climbed out of the window and onto the rooms balcony with her cello. She rested the black instrument on her left and slowly began to play. At first she started out softly, not to wake Enid but as the piece ramped up in intensity and speed the Addams had no choice but to increase her volume as well. This of course awoke Enid and many others across the Academy, just as Wednesday feared. But why would she care, if she couldn't sleep no-one can.

As the piece drew to a close Wednesday turned to look behind her. Through the coloured half of the widow she could see Enid standing, staring in at her. Looking slightly more pale than usual, she climbed back in with hopes of sleeping, feeling far more refreshed after a pleasant cello solo. But no, Enid wasn't having that, before Wednesday even had a chance to speak Enid straight away fired at her "Why the fuck have you decided that 12:57 is the best time for a loud ass solo on that oversized violin?"
Enid raised her eyebrows and tilted her head slightly to the left.
"Actually, I don't care for an answer, but know now that if it's my turn to not be able to sleep then you will be paying for it"

"You wish you could make me pay" Wednesday somehow hid any signs of emotion towards Enid's threat behind her unblinking eyes and twitch-less mouth. Wednesday quietly replaced her cello in its case and climbed back into her bed, feeling far more ready to sleep.

From across the room Enid watched over her, waiting to see if she was asleep or not, plotting her revenge. Whilst she was watching, a strange thought slipped into her mind 'Wednesday looks kinda cute whilst she's sleeping.' Never before had Enid had a thought like this about another girl, let alone one as solitary as Wednesday Addams, yet here she was, slowly accepting the idea and even growing to like it. Before her thoughts of Wednesday could dwell any longer, Enid decided it was her time to exact her revenge.

Knowing how much Wednesday hated physical touch and affection, Enid decided to give her exactly that.  Whilst being careful not to disturb the sleeping teen, she slowly climbed into Wednesdays bed, only inches away from the girl herself.  As Enid lay there, trying to sleep, she felt an arm creep around her stomach.  'This isn't actually that bad' she quietly thought to herself as if she was scared of Wednesday hearing. 

As morning came around, Wednesday was the first to wake.  She was not greeted by the familiar open room when she opened her eyes but instead the top of Enid's head.  For the shortest of seconds Wednesday actually smiled, a sight thought to be impossible, before being overcome by a wave of heat in her face.  She quickly pushed Enid away, realising her arm was around her "What the fuck Enid!" was shouted so loud the whole academy could have heard.

"Morning Wednesday"

"I'll ask again, What. The. Fuck."  Wednesdays anger grew with every word.

"Ok Ok, chill out girl. I did warn you that I'd find a way to get back at you for that midnight cello solo."

Fine. Just don't make it a regular occurrence."
Wednesday turned her back in a moody fashion, her face started to feel warm again as she reminisced about waking up to Enid in her arms.  "No." She sternly reminded herself. "Not happening"

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