Chapter 1: The Babysitter

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Warning before you start reading: This story is an adaptation of my own story "Striper by force" but with a different plot, past Naruto-Sasuke. Contains Mpreg.


The telephones did not stop ringing and the workers could not cope with picking up and answering all of them. That was a normal day at the major label Namikaze, however, what was not normal was having the major teen idol of the moment sitting in a comfortable chair in an empty office for more than half an hour while looking at his cell phone and his representative at the clock. pocket-size.

"Would you like some tea?" asked the secretary concerned.

"Other?" asked the representative
"I think we've been teased enough, let's get out of here, we're wasting time."

"No, please, the director will be here soon, I promise."

"He said the same thing twenty minutes ago and we're still here."

The receptionist tried by all means to retain these two people, although without any success. The teenager kept looking at his phone while typing at high speed and following in the footsteps of his suit representative, until the elevator door opened revealing Naruto Namikaze trying to fix a stain on his expensive Armani jacket.

His hair was a mess, his briefcase was defaced, and he seemed to have thrown a tantrum about his youngest son again. The secretary raised her hand to her mouth and covered it when she saw him arrive in a mess.

"And this is the director?" asked the representative "we'd better go to another record label that takes us seriously" he ended up saying trying to pass through the director, but Naruto closed his hand around the representative's arm and looked at him with total security.

"Give me just one minute of your time and I promise you won't regret it, this record company is the best thing that can happen to you in your career, I guarantee it" Naruto said pointing to the awards on the wall with his gaze.

The manager watched him in silence for a second and then, seeing the awards and recognizing famous names who had been without a doubt the biggest music stars of the day, he took a deep breath and addressed him.

"You only have a minute," he told her, walking back to the office.

Naruto shot a disapproving look at the stunned his secretary at that moment. He knew perfectly well what he was thinking, that there was no way to get to the office, looking like that and so late, but his son was always unpredictable and in the end, he had to take him back to school.

The secretary stayed behind the door, watching through the windows how Naruto in a minute... explained all the plan he had to release that teen idol's album and make him famous. From where he was, he clearly observed the representative's restless fingers tapping against the table, glancing at his watch as if waiting for the promised minute to pass as quickly as possible before he could leave.

When the door opened, the representative stormed out like hell, walking briskly toward the elevator, followed by the kid on the phone. The secretary then looked at her boss when the elevator closed, almost reproaching him for having lost an important contract due to his tardiness and that little physical arrangement he came with.

"It was important, Naruto, I sent you five messages last night and I've been calling you all morning so you wouldn't make him wait. Damn it" Sakura complained almost pulling her hair out "you're a chump..."

Forced Striper (Naruto, Naru-sasu)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora