Chapter 5: To school!

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Seeing him was an ordeal! But part of her knew she couldn't help it. Naruto might have told her that she wouldn't have to see him, but in part, she knew full well that it wasn't that simple. She had to see him to pick up her son and to return him, also when she paid him every day. It was true that she didn't have to live with him or see him for a long time, however... every day she was going to have to put up with him for at least a few minutes.

"Leave it, Naruto. He just doesn't want to do it" Sasuke insisted when he saw how he yelled at his son who was carrying the backpack on his shoulders.

"How can I leave it? No, it's disrespectful to not even say hello, so say hello to your new babysitter right now."

"I don't want to" Asahi yelled turning his face.

"What don't you want?" Naruto got angry.

"Naruto, please... leave it" Sasuke insisted once more "I don't care. He's going to have to put up with me all day anyway" Sasuke clarified with a smirk, making Asahi angrier and frown violently before turning away from the dark haired man again.

"Alright. I have to go to work or I'll be late. I'll be back around two to eat with him. Be good at school."

Sasuke smiled when he saw how Asahi stuck out his tongue towards his father in clear anger, however, Naruto continued as impulsive as always as well as agile, reaching to catch his tongue with his fingers preventing him from keeping it.

"Don't stick your tongue out at me, young man, next time I'll wash it with soap," she threatened, making her son shudder.

"You haven't changed a bit" Sasuke whispered to himself, putting his hand to his forehead, covering his eyes in the shadow.

As soon as Naruto was gone, Sasuke watched as the boy took off his backpack and flung himself on the sofa, grabbing the TV remote and turning it on. It was clear that this boy didn't want to go to class and of course... Sasuke wasn't going to allow him to stay there, he had a job to do and it was to drop him off at school.

"If I were you, I would turn off the television and get up for good."

The boy simply ignored him and continued to watch the cartoons that were being shown on television at that time. Sasuke looked around the room for something to get that kid to listen to him even if it was the hard way, because as much as he wanted to grab him like a sack of potatoes and drag him away, he knew he might start screaming and people would think wrong as if he was being kidnapped or worse. He had to get her to go voluntarily and not underestimate his opponent even though he was a child of barely six years old. In the end, his eyes found that "Goku" toy and his eyes lit up as his smile intensified. From the cartoons he was seeing from "Dragon Ball" and how excited he was, he supposed it must be something important to him.

Sasuke approached the toy and took it in his hands, getting the boy's attention instantly, who began to realize that leaving his favorite toy out of reach hadn't been a good idea.

"Give it back to me" Asahi yelled.

"This?" Sasuke asked "I think I like it too, he and I will go for a walk. I think Goku is going to school" Sasuke smiled, grabbing his jacket to leave the apartment.

Asahi, seeing how he was going to the door, went after that dark- haired man who was carrying his toy in one hand and the little boy's backpack in the other.

"I SAID YOU GIVE IT BACK" he yelled angrier and angrier, following Sasuke through the corridors and later down the street, although Sasuke refused to give it to him.

Asahi was getting more and more nervous. Trying to get the brunette's attention, trying to recover his precious articulated doll at any cost. The people on the street were watching them, but it wasn't something that worried Sasuke, they just saw a somewhat spoiled kid trying to get hold of the toy, so he simply continued walking until he reached the subway station. There Asahi's tantrum began to diminish when he saw that it would be impossible to recover it the hard way.

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