Chapter 26:The volturi's plan

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Volturi pov:

Ever since we took renesmee caius has been torturing her and he even told her about her imprints new imprints She was so heartbroken which made it worth it. Renesmee has been begging us to let her go because she doesn't want to die when we told her what her imprint has been doing since he got his new imprint. When she heard that he doesn't care about her anymore she was sad but she was mad about the new imprint when she heard us saying that we were going to kill her in front of everyone she told them that her aunt Anastasia would not let them hurt her that's when they decided to tell her with smirks on there faces that Anastasia killed Esme and Alice because her mom kept trying to force her to help save you when she refused to help them they chased the Cullens and killed the one why was the closest to her and plus she said that she didn't care about you or what happens to you at all and she said that she would be happy if you died and with that they walked out laughing. Leaving her crying knowing only her family and their friends only care about her now she only had hope that her family will save her before it's too late.

Time skip~The next day

Today was surprisingly a quiet day. Renesmee is not making any noise but we will have to go and check on her soon which the kings were not looking forward to because everytime when they go and check on her she always begs them to let her go until they leave it irritates them that they have to have caius leave before he kills her because of her saying let her go over and over again gets annoying. The kings were getting suspicious on why Renesmee was so quiet, that is until Anastasia called saying that the Cullens came and took her and that they are on the way back to Washington. Right now the kings were mad but knew that they would get there first and as soon as they got her back they were going to kill her and punish the Cullens for what they just pulled.

Cullens pov:

We did it, we finally got renesmee back and the family could be back to normal. Hopefully when we got to Washington we immediately went to the house but the feeling that something bad was coming did not go away so when we tried to call the pack and Anastasia they just hung up on us but first they said that they were not helping then hung up the Cullens started panicking not knowing what was coming. The Cullens were waiting for Bella and Edward so that they could see that Renesmee was back; they didn't know that they left earlier that day to get Renesmee and surprise them both with her when Bella and Edward returned from their little vacation they saw renesmee was back and wondered how she was back so Carlisle explained what they did while they were on vacation Bella and Edward were shocked about this but nonetheless they were happy to have their daughter back with them but when renesmee asked about Jacob she wanted to know what the kings told her while they had her was true she hoped it was because he imprinted on her she doesn't want him to have another imprint when the Cullens told renesmee that Jacob had found a different imprint he stopped caring about her and he was more focused on her now they told her the one thing that broke her heart more than anyone can imagine they were engaged and were going to get married in a couple days and that he was staying at their house because he wasn't allowed to see her until their wedding day. Day by day Renesmee was only getting worse which made the Cullens mad they knew how the imprint worked they could be friends,brother,protector,or lover but Jacob did not want any of that he just wanted renesmee out of his life the Cullens thought he was just getting used to her being back until they were listening to them argue about the imprint bond when he said that he didn't want anything to do with her she broke the Cullens we're shocked that he would actually say that but they knew he had to say it but they also thought that he would have said it a little nicer to her but they were also wrong about that he said that he didn't want to protect her because she wasn't supposed to exist and the only reason he did protect her. Or put up with her at all was because of the imprint and now that he has a new one he doesn't have to put up with her anymore or protect her which he was finally happy about because he gets to be free from someone he hates and can be with someone who he actually likes. After Jacob told renesmee how he really feels about her he left to go cool down before he lost his temper when he left renesmee broke down and everyone tried to calm her down after a while she cried herself to sleep when her parents put her in bed they started talking to each other they couldn't believe that Jacob would say something like that to her she is still his imprint after all no matter what. It was almost the wedding day. There were only 3 days until the wedding. Everyone was consoling Renesmee because she was not looking forward to the wedding because that would mean Jacob actually never cared about her like he said and she doesn't want her imprint to pick only one of his imprints when he could have both of them later that day renesmee was reading a book about imprints when she found a page that said if wolves have 2 imprints that they could choose who they want to be with and that the imprint that he does not choose that imprint will be in pain until she does and the wolf won't feel anything. When renesmee got home she saw that everyone is talking about something that seems to make her parents mad when she asked her parents what was wrong that said that Jacob's dad just called and said that teb wedding is tomorrow because Jacob and Annaliese (an-a-lise) want to get married tomorrow and that Billy will be there to talk to us soon renesmee heart broke. Once again when she heard about the wedding she thought she had more time to get Jacob to choose both of his imprints not just one and if Jacob told Annaliese about her that she would hate her. When Billy got there he looked at Renesmee with sympathy. What he said shocked the Cullens but also made them more angry with him. Billy told them that if Jacob keeps rejecting the imprint bond and gets married to Annaliese then after they get married renesmee will only feel an enormous amount of pain if Jacob does not accept that he has 2 imprints instead of just one. Bella asked what Annaliese thought about renesmee considering that she is also her daughters mate along with Jacob Billy signed and said that she Jacob told Annaliese everything that has happened ever since renesmee was born and all of the trouble that has happened since she has been born and about the packs splitting up after he told her everything she hated renesmee and what her presence caused. When Billy finished talking to them, Rosalie said that after they come back from their honeymoon that they will have Jacob and Annaliese come here and talk to Renesmee about the imprint maybe all three of them could get married so that renesmee won't be in any pain when the Cullens heard that they thought that it would be a great plan but renesmee and Annaliese would have to get to know each other first before they get married what they didn't know was that Edward and Bella was going to try and make them get married to each other no matter what. When Billy heard that he quietly left to go to the pack house because Jacob was spending his time there because Annaliese is spending the day with her parents for the next 2 days which means Jacob could spend time with the pack when Anastasia came in and said that Billy will be arriving because he has something to tell us that he wants us to stop from happening.

Time skip~20 minutes later

When Billy got here he told us what the Cullens said he also told us what Bella and Edward said. I guess they thought they that thought they said their plain in their heads, guess not when the pack Jacob and Anastasia heard the Cullens plan they were furious about it because renesmee wants to be with Jacob and Annaliese that does not mean the Cullens have to actually force them to get to know her if they don't want to. After Billy had told us what the Cullens we're planning he left to hang out with Charlie because he was coming over to Billy's house to relax the pack started talking about what teb Cullens we're talking about because Jacob and Annaliese told them all that they wanted nothing to do with renesmee with the pack understood when Jacob went to the Cullens house later that day he confronted them on what they were planning especially Bella and Edward he didn't care that renesmee was in the room he also didn't care that she could hear him because he wanted her to hear this he told them him and Annaliese talked and they don't want to get to know renesmee and they most certainly will not be getting married to her they only want to get married to each other and that's it after he said that to them he walked out leaving them to come up with a different plan to get Jacob, Annaliese,and renesmee married not knowing Anastasia is going to be watching their decisions from now on but all of the Cullens including renesmee have to go to the wedding which gives renesmee a chance to have Annaliese to get to know her and start to like her.

The hated swanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora