Chapter 36:The Bennett family

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3rd person pov:

The Bennett family is a distant descendant of Qetsiyah Pauline Bennett is a witch and is a descendant of Emily Bennett out of all the Bennett witches Bonnie is the most powerful witch out of all the Bennett witches. The Bennett witch's blood is important because their blood can help the people who were bitten by werewolves. And if someone was sent to to prison world and if they have Bennett blood on them they can use it to get out of the prison world. Bonnie Bennett was abandoned by the spirits of nature because she brought back Jeremy from the dead even though it was against their laws so she begins to practice a form of extremely dangerous dark magic. That is known as expression magic that has made her one of the most powerful witches that anyone has ever seen. She was more powerful than the dead witches. Bennett witches are immortal because Qetsiyah was a distant descendant and ancestor of the Bennett's but she fell in love with a powerful witch named Silas and out of love she created the first immortality spell. The Bennett witch coven was the most powerful coven because. They had more than one hundred witches in the coven that led up to the powerful Bennett line.

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