Chapter 18:The volturi's meeting

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Anastasia pov:

I am now 4 weeks pregnant and the volturi has called a meeting and every supernatural being is supposed to come to the letter. It said it was about the hybird that has never been heard of which makes me think that it is about my abomination of a niece. When we got to the meeting every cold one was glaring at me because I am pregnant but when aro asked what my new power was I told him that I can make cold ines pregnant and I told everyone in the room that i would do it for them except for the cullens which made the cullens mad but it made everyone else happy. The meeting just started and when they tell them everything about Renesmee they bring her out. The cullens and the denalis were shocked and filled with horror at what the volturi did to renesme. The rest of the covens weren't that shocked that the volturi decided to torture her because of what she is and that she might be a threat to the vampire world by exposing them and that is not what they want the volturi then says that they are going to be voting on what will happen to her only the cullens and their witnesses voted for her not to die and for the imprint bond to not be broken that was only 23 votes the rest of the covens voted that she should be killed and that the imprint bond should be broken there were more votes about her dying so that is what is going to happen. They said that they will let everyone know when it happens so that everyone will be there but before we left they broke the imprint bond.

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