Dascul's world shattered. She kissed him on the cheek and then went off, down the nearest street and then disappearing behind white smoke.

He wondered what it would be like to die.

Bedial striked first, as he liked to do. Dascul was able to step back, then launched himself, catching Bedial off-guard as he fell to the ground, his wind knocked out. Dascul tripped Furst then lashed out at Ahn, scratching him across the face. Ahn reared back, screaming, then Dascul ducked and tackled Terk, the giant brute falling to the mound.

Dascul's feet were heavy, and he was having a hard time breathing. He fell into himself and began to cough until blood trickled down.


Dascul turned to them, laughing.

"I'll fight--I'll kill all of you! I was visited in the after-sleep! I was visited...and now, I will kill for Her."

He craned his head back.

"Fight me you fucking weaklings!"

Bedial approached, shaking his head.

"Kill me...kill me!"

Bedial let out a long sigh, then punched Ahn where he stood, Ahn falling to the ground with eyes so wide he looked as if he'd seen God. Realizing what was happening, the sheep-men began to fight one another, trying to get the advantage, throwing punch after punch as the receiver absorbed it and made it into his or her own.

More joined in, and more, all battling across the mound, sinking into it, sinking into trash, punching and spitting.

Finally, Dascul fell. The last thing he remembered before being dragged off was how awful the mound smelled.


"Get up."

Bedial. He scratched his enormous chin, then spit on the ground next to Dascul's cot.

Dascul tried to get up, wincing.

"Why'd you help me?"

Badial laughed a little. "So quick to judge, so quick to anger. Good old Dascul. Can you tell me why you decided to go try and climb the mound at six o'clock in the morning?"

"I...Bedial, you won't believe it."

"You've already claimed a lot. The sheep-mother does not visit us so easily. Usually it requires...well, a lot of death."

"She comes when she wills it; I know." Dascul sighed. "I was...sick, I think."

Badial snorted.

"I saw her through the reeds. I was hunting, and then she was there. I readied my bow, and I fired. I remember it--oh God, I know I sound insane--"

"Dascul, Dascul..."

Dascul didn't know how much time had passed. He searched around, afraid Selena might be there, come to finish her work.

For Bedial's part he seemed ready to move past all of it. "The air is getting fouler," he said. "We need to keep moving eastward, but I fear the sheep-mother is not with us."

"That's why you saved me."

Bedial frowned. "I saved you because I wanted to. There is no real path to glory, Dascul. It's just a game, to keep us keen, to keep us in-check."

Bedial rose, dusting off the dirt still clinging to his hides. He coughed. "Damn dust everywhere."

"It's the mound; it's supposed to be dirty."

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