07| an almost moment

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Lexie sat on her bed, she looked to the box of baby stuff that she bought and smiled. She knew that even though she was pregnant and that she had told no one that she couldn't help but get some stuff for the baby

Lexie had no idea what she was going to do once she had the baby. She knew that she was scared. She was scared over the truth getting out and over how Simon had been the one to get her pregnant but she couldn't admit that she was pregnant

She was so scared and she knew how he had been a jerk ever since he had found out that she was a student and she knew that the news of her pregnancy would only make things more and she knew that the further along that her pregnancy got that it was getting harder and harder

Lexie looked to her scan photo and smiled as she placed a hand on her bump "what is mummy going to do" Lexie said. She felt a kick and frowned. She realised that it was the first time that her baby had kicked and she felt conflicted with it

She was scared and she knew how much her life was going to change. Her mum was a recovering alcoholic and her brother set fires and none of it was easy not when she was pregnant with her deputy heads baby and not when he was engaged to be married he wasn't the same man that she had met in the bar and Lexie knew that she was alone in this entire situation

Lexie looked to the see the time as she grabbed the jumper that she was wearing to cover her pregnancy and slipped it on. She slipped her hair over her shoulder as she walked downstairs as she saw Christine who looked to her and frowned

"Are you okay" she asked as Lexie looked to her snd smiled

"Yes why wouldn't I be" Lexie asked as Christine shrugged

"I don't know. You don't see your self that's all" Christine said as Lexie grabbed her bag and smiled

Lexie knew it was getting harder and harder to keep things a secret "I'm fine mum, you don't need to worry" Lexie said as Christine looked to her for a moment and nodded before they walked off

Lexie knew how things were getting a lot harder and she hated it

Lexie got to school and sat in the common room as she tried to focus on an essay. She felt a sharp pain and placed a hand oh her side as dynasty walked in and looked to her

"You okay" dynasty asked as Lexie smiled

"Fine just a cramp starting a thing" lexie asked as dynasty nodded

"Lowsley is looking for you" dynasty said as Lexie looked to her and frowned

"What does that prick want" Lexie asked as she sat back in her seat as she looked to the essay that she couldn't focus on

"Probably about you not doing pe" dynasty said as Lexie rolled her eyes

She knew how Simon seems to be making her life hell, she looked to and saw him in the doorway and sighed as she stood up and walked over to him

"What is it" she asked, she wasn't in the mood

"We need to talk, my office later" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"The last I knew we had nothing to worry over. You've been a jerk and you can't decide to talk to me one minute and be a jerk the next. What we did that night was both of us, it's not my fault so go to hell. I am not in the mood for this" Lexie said as she walked off as he looked to her and sighed

Simon knew just how stubborn that Lexie was being, he knew what had happened with them and how wrong it was but he couldn't stop thinking over her at the same time

"My office, end of play" Simon said as he walked off as Lexie rolled her eyes

Lexie walked into simons office and closed the door and looked to him "you wanted to see me" she said as he stood up and walked over to her

"We know what happens with us but people are asking questions and we don't need the tension between us" he said as she looked to him

"I don't have a problem with me, your the one who has been treating me like dirt" she said as she went to walk off as he grabbed her arm

"I am trying to apologise. I am trying to make things right with us" he said as she looked to him for a moment

The two of them held a look as Lexie frowned to herself as she realised how close that they were and how close that she was to actually kissing him

She knew how Simon was the one that got her pregnant and no one else knew over the secrets that she had, but little did she know how everything would change

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