04|keeping it hidden

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Lexie stood getting ready for school. She was scared and she was pregnant and she had no idea what she was going to do

Lexie knew how Simon was her deputy and she knew that things were messy. She couldn't go and tell him how she was pregnant. He was already freaked out at the fact that he had slept with her and she knew that she couldn't tell him that she was pregnant

Lexie groaned as she lay in bed. She was hit by a wave of nausea as she rushed from the bed and into the bathroom as she closed the door behind her and started to throw up

Lexie groaned to herself as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed as she sat in the floor. Lexie had no idea what she was going to do over the baby and she knew how that things were a mess

Her home life wasn't the mess. Her mother was a recovering alcoholic and she was now head of the school and Lexie had no idea what she was going to do. All that she knew was that she was terrified

Lexie stood up and walked out of the bathroom and sighed as she walked into the bedroom and started to get ready.

She knew that she had to go to school and face Simon and for that she wasn't prepared for. Lexie knew that she was pregnant and how she had to make a decision and she wasn't ready. She had no idea what she was going to do

Lexie got to school and stood in the hallway. Dynasty walked over to her and smiled

"Are you okay. You look awful" dynasty said as Lexie looked to her and rolled her eyes

"I feel it. I'll be okay I am just feeling like crap" Lexie Said. She frowned to herself as she saw Simon as he walked down the hallway with Sue

Lexie and Simon made eye contact for a moment as she sighed to herself. She knew how he was acting as if nothing happened but she couldn't. She couldn't sit back and pretend and call him mr Lowsley when she knew that she was pregnant and that scared her

Lexie hated to see him with Sue. She knew how he was living a lie and she knew that she had to keep this pregnancy to herself and how she had to keep it secret and she had no idea how she was going to do that

Lexie stood in the toilets and sighed as and lifted her shirt up and looked to her stomach and sighed

She knew that she was going to start showing soon and she knew that she had to keep it secret. Lexie didn't know what to think but she knew that it was all a big mess and she knew that no matter what she decided to do it wasn't easy

But could Lexie really go through all of this alone and hide a pregnancy from everyone around her or would her pregnancy soon become exposed?

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