02| The new deputy

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Lexie woke up in bed and groaned. She felt awful and she hadn't slept that well. Lexie knew how she had to go to school and she knew how school was the last thing that she was wanted

Lexie groaned as she sat up and yawned as the door opened and Christine walked in and looked to her and smiled "your going to be late" she said as Lexie looked to her and groaned

"I'm getting ready" Lexie said as she wakes over to floor where she had dumbed her uniform and picked it up. Christine looked to Lexie and frowned.

She knew her daughter and she knew when there was something going on with her and she was worried over how she was acting

"You know that you can talk to me if there is something bothering you can tell me"

"I'm fine mum. Don't worry" Lexie said as she walked out of her room

Lexie got to school and smiled as she saw dynasty who walked over to her "you look like death" she said as he smiled

"I feel like it. I'm fine D, I am just not sleeping thet well" she said as dynasty smiled

"Well you don't well. Apparently there is a new deputy head around I wonder what he's like had your mum said anything knowing that she is head and all" dynasty said as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"Trust me. My mum and I don't talk over this place. You know what mums are like and you know how she can be. Besides it's not as if a new deputy head is going to do anything and change my life is it" Lexie said as dynasty looked to her and smirked

"Well I guess not" dynasty said as they walked off

Lexie sat in class as she sat drawing on the side of her text book and looked to see someone walk in as she didn't look up

"Good morning. I'm your new deputy head me Lowsley" a voice said. Lexie frowned to herself as she looked up and saw who it was. It was someone who she had recognised

It was Simon. The man that she had slept with the bar. She was shocked and she couldn't believe what she was seeing

She sunk down in her seat. She just wanted to ground to eat her up there and then. Simon glanced across the classroom and looked to her. He frowned as he saw Lexie as they held a look

He was shocked. The girl he had slept with that night at the bar was not only sixteen and younger then she thought but she was a student, one of his students

"Lexie a word" Simon said as the end of class happened. Lexie groaned to herself as everyone else the room.

She crossed her arms over her chest as she turned to face simon

"Why didn't you tell me the truth" he said as she frowned

"Tell tlu what? We had sex we didn't exchange life details. Look I know what you are worried about trust me. I do I am not going to tell anyone. Your secret is..or shall I say our secret is safe" she said as she walked off

Simon looked after her and sighed. He knew that it was a mess but neither of them were aware of just how connected to each other that they were going to become

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