Cast list

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Lucinda strafford as Lexie mulgrew
"I was scared I didn't know what to do. I made a mistake"

Richard Mylan as Simon lowsley "I had a right to know

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Richard Mylan as Simon lowsley
"I had a right to know. It's my baby too"

Laurie Brett as Christine mulgrew"You should of told me

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Laurie Brett as Christine mulgrew
"You should of told me. I would of helped you"

The rest of the Waterloo road cast as themselves:Shame omeara as Connor mulgrew Kirstie Steele as Imogen Stewart Vanessa hehir as sue spark Abby mavers as dynasty barry

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The rest of the Waterloo road cast as themselves:
Shame omeara as Connor mulgrew
Kirstie Steele as Imogen Stewart
Vanessa hehir as sue spark
Abby mavers as dynasty barry

I own Lexie mulgrew, her baby and any other children she has. Everything else belongs to the producers of Waterloo road

Copyright © Carolineeexx22

Published; 21st may 2022

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