bob x reader smut

709 13 59

Rhaojeiwjdisekdjco *fucking dies*
Gender Neutral reader 🙏

As you opened up the door to your house, you were immediately greeted by your 2 cats, Nut and Cheerio. "Hey guys!" You said happily, closing the door and leaning down to pet them.

You stood back up and walked over to the back door as your cats meowed at you. "Don't worry I'm going I'm going!" You giggled at them, opening up the back door to let them out.

Immediately, they ran out and jumped onto the fence, Cheerio was the first one to hop on, and waited patiently for Nut to hop up with him, before they both jumped off the fence to go explore the night once again.

It's become a normal routine, you'd come back from working at Boys & Grillz, pet the cats, let them out, and a few hours later they'd come back, occasionally with a gift or 2.

You left the door open so they'd have a way back in and walked up to your room. Hm, no music, no singing, Streber, your roommate, must still be at work. You walked into your room and yawned and stretched, taking your clothes off after a long day of work leaving yourself in underwear.

It was finally Halloween and you had a couple hours to relax and then get ready before you went out. You went over to your closet and picked out the outfit you were wearing tonight, it was a werewolf costume, you hung it on your dresser and laid down on your bed, closing your eyes and relaxing your body.

That was until you heard a very slight creak, it was subtle enough to be ignored by someone who doesn't live here, but you knew every groan and creak this house had to offer, someone was at your doorway.

You stiffened, slowly sitting up on your bed, keeping your eyes glued to the doorway. Your eyes went wide as your door slowly opened, letting in the light from the hallway and making a dramatic entrance for the shadow of a large person, demon? Thing, it had horns on its head.

You hovered your hand over the bat you had hidden next to your bed alongside multiple other weapons. Once you saw the large figure slowly step into your room with loud thuds, your hand immediately grasped onto the bat and brought it out "Stay back!" You yelled, and got into a position to pounce on them if needed.

The figure moved it's hand towards the lightswitch, flicking it on and revealing its identity. Seeing who it was, your grip on the bat loosened, but you still kept wary of the man in your room "Jesus christ Bob don't sneak into my house like that!" You cursed at him, he simply let out a chuckle at your distressed state.

"What.. what are you even here for?" You said, trying to hide the fear in your voice as he stepped closer to you. You know what he does, you know what he could do to you, and with this sudden and random appearance at your home you were worried for your own safety.

"Don't worry darling, I ain't here to hurt'cha" He smiled, noticing the fear seeping off you "Remember, we made a promise, you keep your pretty little mouth shut and I'll spare you for now." He said nonchalantly.

Not long ago you'd found him eating human meat, you were disgusted and nearly called the cops, but he got to you before you got to the phone, you're surprised he didn't just kill you then and there, but you were glad he spared you.

"Then what are you here for?" You asked, putting the bat down as he hovered over you menacingly. "Well.. Y'see, I haven't been feeling so good lately, was wondrin' if you'd help me out with that.." He said as he blushed at you, drooling at the sight of your nearly naked body.

Naked... Naked!! You'd completely forgot you were only in underwear! You immediately turned red now paying attention to your unclothed body. You quickly grabbed your blanket and covered yourself "Ah! Sorry I forgot I didn't have clothes on!!" You squeaked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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