"Who did?"

"I don't know. It could've just been an old friend and he said a random name." I shrug slowly to try to make it seem like it's a big deal, but the smarty pants across from me doesn't seem too convinced.

"That's too weird to just shrug about." He says and I rest my head back.

"I don't know but I don't care. It's not that big of a deal and I don't want it to turn into a big one."

Jack shakes his head and his dark blonde eyebrows are still pushed together, he's staring at the floor in thought before his face relaxes back to normal. "And, by the way, don't drive my car without asking."

My chest gets tight and I feel the blood run to my cheeks at his raised eyebrow. "What do you-"

"I'm not mad. But don't lie to me now just because I caught you." He stops me.

I close my mouth again and play with the dead skin around my fingers before swallowing hard, "sorry. I just, I don't know, I just-"

"Look," he stops my babbling, "your dad has literally told every policeman to make sure that you don't walking around with Ja-"

"He can't do that!"

Jack immediately shh's me. Quietly telling me to not yell when there are patients and nurses down and around the halls.

I harshly breathe in annoyance before making my voice lighter, "he can't just go around telling people to keep me from people when I'm twenty years old."

"I know, I know," he nods and agrees, "but it's all about politics. Because they know your dad, they're not going to care about the actual law, if they see you with Jack, they can take him in and use this," he raises his broken arm, "as an excuse to do something with him."

Why is he so smart?

He's right, but it's unfair. My dad probably bribed them with something and as sick as that sounds, it seems something he would do. My dads a good guy, but I've noticed that he changes when it comes to my safety.

"It's not fair. I want to see him."

"I know, Taylor. It's shit, and it isn't fair, but neither of us want you to be the reason for his college to do something like... I don't know." He raises his hand up to rub his head.

I'm just being selfish. I've been that a lot lately, and I'm never selfish. I just want to see Jack and I'm not thinking about the effects it could have if it happened continuously.

Jack stays quiet while he rubs his obvious migraine and closes his eyes. He's so stressed and tired and obviously annoyed, I wish I could help more.

"I'm sorry I kissed you." He says quietly.

I shake my head and extend my leg out to kick his foot a second time, "stop saying sorry. Once is enough. It's fine, I'm over it."

He nods and sits cross cross, staring down at the fingers sticking out of his cast before wiggling them around.

He doesn't need to be sorry for anything anymore. I know he still thinks this is all a domino effect from it, maybe it is, but it was an accident. Stuff like this happens between boy and girl friends all the time, sometimes it's a mistake, and sometimes it's not.

"Are you surprised we didn't fall in love with each other after it was over?" I smile teasingly. His cheeks get a little pink just from my words, I could never make him actually blush.

"That's how it usually goes with friends, I guess. I don't know, I was high off crying and you were there and I hadn't kissed anyone in awhile and-"

"What happened to Sydney that night?" I ask him and tilt my head to the side.

His eyes gaze the floor and a small smile plays on his thin lips at the mere mention of her, hmm. "I said I couldn't stay with her that night, but I said that I'd call her. I've been texting her. Well, trying to. It's hard with one hand."

We both evolve into laughter and he rolls the back of his head against the wall behind him. I can't help the excitement bubbling in my chest at the thought of Jack being happy with a girl again, his entire senior year consisted of studying, not girls. What Mallory did to him a long time ago most definitely dumbed down his confidence, but maybe someone like Sydney could help him find it again.


I will update as soon as I can.

The next chapter literally has me heaving for breaths.

And by the way, I have brown eyes and am forever jealous of blue eyes. But at the same time, what I wrote was all true. You're all really hot and I'd date any of you, so would Jack.

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