So calming his rising temper down, and managing to voice out cooly, he asked, "What the fuck do you want from me man?"

For a few seconds Damien got no response, and dragging his phone out of his ear he tried to see if Mason had hung up on him, but the call was still ongoing.

"Hello? I said what do you..."

"Calm down man. I'm here to make peace and not the other way round. Chill, and let's talk man to man."

"Huh? What?" Damien queried, his brows up and turning to face the detective, he excused himself again, promising to get back to him as soon as possible and then he concentrated on the call with Mason.

"What do you mean? Is this some sort of prank?"

"No it's not, and I do mean what I just said. Damien I'm sorry for..."

No freaking way! That was the only thing that came to Damien's head when Mason Connor began to apologize all of a sudden.

His jaw dropping open, and dumbstruck at the same time, the grip he had on his phone tightened as he listened to almighty Mason Connor apologize and talk calmly to him.

This was like a dream. A dream he never thought would come true... What the hell?



"What? I can't accept a measly 7 million dollars as a bargain. What the heck?" Katherine spurted our, her eyes burning with fury as she stared at the men in front of her.

Earlier, when she'd started torturing Madison, one of her men had come to inform her that some men were here looking for her.

The men who were human traffickers, had been solely invited by her because she wanted to sell Madison to them.

She'd already thought of selling Madison for 20 million dollars, and if no one accepted the bargain then she would have no choice but to finish the bitch off with her hands.

Now though, she stood dumbstruck as the leader of the traffickers stared smugly at her, calling the dumbest price she'd ever heard.

"I'm sorry, but that's the least we can give you. That's what we brought from home, and the cash is stacked in this bag with me." He began again, swinging a heavy black bag in front of her, and the action only irritated Katherine all the more.

"The least you can give me from my offer of 20 million dollars, is 7 million dollars? Do I look like I'm joking here or what?" Katherine spat out, almost yelling but she held herself back.

"I'm sorry miss, but that's what we can give you and honestly there's no going back."

Trying to calm her rising temper down, Katherine forced a warm smile up her lips and said yet again, "Okay, give me 15 million dollars, and you can have her. I tell you she is a good bargain, because I'm sure you'll make more than this when you sell her to your buyers."

Silence fell completely, and the atmosphere becoming tense, Katherine waited for the man to say something.

Something positive of course, but the reply he gave was one she wasn't expecting at all.

He began by laughing, the sound of his cackles itching Katherine's skin, but she kept her cool.

"15 million dollars? Oh woman, do you also think I'm joking here?" The man asked with a scoff, and before she could continued he added, "Can I see the picture of this lady you want to sell to us?"

Katherine hesitated, her brow raising up instantly at the unexpected question, but she obliged them.

Motioning one of her guards to get her cell phone, the device was soon brought to her and sharply she searched through her gallery collection and brought out a photo of Madison.

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