Chapter 02 || Date

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"where are we going first?" she asks, glancing at taehyung's smiling face which stares at the front, busy driving with his one hand on the steering comfortably and the other on the gear shifter. sparing a brief glance at hayeon, he shrugs, leaving it for her to guess, "uhm somewhere for breakfast?"


"yes, i'm hungry!" she nods.

waiting for the time to pass, she presses her back against the seat, a little bored as taehyung won't talk to her, having all of his attention on driving. thinking about her new book, staring out of the window with curiosity and imagination running wild in the clear sky, bringing her some joy and pride as she thinks of the police officer v of her story. a fearless man with a tall, lean figure; eyes deep and secretive just like the depth of an ocean; lips always spelling out firm opinions of his mind; and he would love his family more than anything. yes

then she thinks of the criminal, which is a more important character: the protagonist of her story. a sigh slips out of her lips, sinking on the seat while her hands dig in her purse to pull out her phone. nibbling on the lower lip with little thought about the red lipstick, she types on the search engine: what makes a good criminal character

but before the internet does it's magic, hayeon hums in excitement almost as though she just remembered a great point for this. her head snaps to the side at her boyfriend who notices the fluctuation in the air and glances at her with an eyebrow raised, "what makes a good criminal?" she asks, along side opening the notepad application in her phone, ready to put down any information that might be useful for her.

"what?" taehyung frowns, "a good criminal? why do you wanna know that?"

"i need a character who is a criminal, and i don't really know much about criminals. so you gotta help me now. you're a police officer!"

"goodness," he sighs, shaking his head, "baby, i think you should make your character something more normal... like uhm, a high schooler? or middle class man?"

"who sells drugs and kills people!"

"no, sweetheart, that's not normal."

"but that's interesting! if i were a reader i would wanna read something thrilling and exciting and- and that makes me wanna skip through pages, not about a middle class man struggling to make his ends meet or a high schooler pulling all nighters for a test."

taehyung looks at her, nodding slowly as he hums and thinks for a moment, "a criminal is... well, a bad person," he sighs, "yeah,"

"wow, really? i thought police is the bad one," hayeon smiles sarcastically and taehyung laughs. "c'mon, tell me something useful, like how do they live? what they look like- any general idea?"

"uhm they're usually underground so nobody catches them- wait, what type of criminals are we talking about?"

"smugglers? or like, mm, gangsters?"

"they live undercover, mostly in clans but some can be alone too."

"oh? why in clans?"

"it's easier to have connections and also it's safe for them."

"hm okay," she nods, typing the information in her phone and looks at him again, "i'll use a solo criminal. can you tell me about them?"

taehyung looks at her, not that impressed with the question but nods anyway knowing she'll find it out from the internet even if he refuses to help, "fine, but not today. i don't want us talking about criminals on our beautiful date."

"okay, yes, you're right." she giggles, "let's enjoy today,"

taehyung smiles, taking her hand from her lap and brings it closer to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on her knuckles while he uses the other hand to turn the steering wheel a complete 360° with his palm pressed on steering. hayeon bites her lip, leaning a bit towards him and points at his hand, "do you know how hot that is?"

PERSPECTIVE: The UnheardHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin