Magical Lies (UT)

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(Author's Note) Good morning, day or night! I've been currently out of motivation and have been very busy with events. But I have found motivation again through watching a video. The link for that certain video will be in the Author's Note at the end. This is another UT story but different than the last. The gist of it is that this is the Aus mixed in with the lore of Aladdin. Check out this awesome creator. All credits for this idea goes to them. If you guys like this, I will create another part. For now, I will try to get out what I can. Have fun 😜 and enjoy! Big note: This is not aligned with what is in the video. This is tweaked to me and what I thought would fit. Thank you for understanding!) 

   A large sandstorm danced along the hills, covering the wanderers footsteps. Their scarf covered their blackened face as the night calmed. The winds died down as the night turned peaceful and a palace came into view. The wanderer pulls down their scarf with a smile plastered to their face. They tie their animal to a worn fence post and started using strings to unload what they carried along with them. 

  They faced towards the view, stroking the animal softly before speaking. "Agræbah. It has m-Much bëauty to it. Waÿ better a5 nijght." Their voice was covered in a thick and glitchy accent. "Now wë gœt many 5hiñgs here for salé. We have these vœdo dolls, hand-maþe by magic strings. There's also this sou-l-in a bøx-" They opened it a crack and made a noise with their mouth. "-Ah. See, stijl workš. Some golðeǹ apples. Useless, see it breaks." The apples turned to black as soon as they were touched. "Now. Hërë is a great artifact. D-ðonyt believe M33é? Let-t me tell thë talé.." They grinned as they held up a vile. It was copper and small. They gesture to the palace. "It oœnce contaiǹed a Géne! And it was hiðþen in the sanþ duǹeş of-" 

   The focus now changes to a skeleton wrapped in many lavish cloths, all covered in goop. The horse they rode was covered in it as well, all black with a hint of green and purple in its mane. They raced down the sand hill to what seemed to lie another hill. The skeleton looked down at the other that accompanied them. "Go on." Their voice was husky as they threw a pair of earrings down into the sand. The hill became alive, spooking the skeleton next to the one riding the horse. The skeleton had a cracks along its skull, going in opposite directions. The hill became the shape of a Gaster Blaster head speaking loudly. 

  "A soul in the dunes, may only enter..." The large Gaster Blaster spoke. The skeleton upon the black mare nudged the skeleton with cracks in their skull to the hill. The skeleton muttered, hesitantly stepping inside its jaw. 

   "Huh-ahh!" The jaw shut and collapsed upon the skeleton. The beast muttered what they said again before returning to sand. The skeleton on the black mare scoffed and snapped their fingers. A red boned bird appeared beside them with the earrings in its talons. They rested on the skeleton's shoulder before going to the spare horse. The bird shifted into a skeleton with a gold tooth. Disappointment was glazed across their face. 

 "What do you supposed we do now Nightmare?" The black skeleton chuckled before they responded. 

  "Well, we'll just have to find this so called.. 'Soul in the dunes'.." They laughed as the redish skeleton joined in, only to choked soon after. 


(Authors Note) Hey! This was meant to released earlier and a bit closer to the 200 view mark. But its out now! Better late than never. Hope you guys are enjoying what I write. I'll be looking for Secret Santa ideas now.  Signing out- VerificationDick lol. )

(Edit: Here's the link to the video or the channel name of what I got inspiration from. All thy credit to them.  :)「 𝙈𝘾.𝘾𝙡𝙤𝙪𝘿 」)

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