La Casa- Wither Husbands

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Chapter 2: La Casa - Sausage's Perspective

"Adios!" Sausage waved goodbye to the customer he just assisted.

After they left Sausage sighed.

Even though Christmas shopping passed, it was still pretty busy at the bookstore.

Just then, another person walked up to the counter.

"Hola!" Sausage greeted, putting on a smile.

He heard the customer laugh, "Hey Sausage, you almost done? I thought you stopped working at 3."

Sausage recognized the customer as his good friend, Pearl.

Pearl was 15 and had long, brown hair that had a sunflower pinned in it. She wore a red coat, white shirt, and black jeans.

He looked at his watch and nodded, "Yep! I'm off from work."

He stepped out from behind the counter and started walking with Pearl.

"You don't need to buy me coffee." Sausage said, noticing Pearl holding two cups of coffee.

"Yeah, but I'm going to anyway." She handed him one cup.

"Thanks." Sausage said, taking a sip.

"No prob!" Pearl smiled, "They let me go early today."

Sausage nodded.

Pearl worked at a nearby toy store (they worked in the same shopping district), so they would pick up each other from work often.

"Do you want to hang out at my place later?" She offered.

"Yeah! That would be fun, just let me tell my madre."

Pearl nodded and Sausage took out his phone.

"Hola." His mother picked up the phone.

Sausage normally had to speak Spanish around his family, though they do know English. The only time Sausage has seen them speak English was when Pearl or any other friends who didn't know Spanish were over. (But they weren't great at speaking English).

(Now look, I'm just going to write in English, but picture it in Spanish pls).

"Hola mama." Sausage started, "Could I sleep over at Pearl's house?"

"Is it okay with her parents?" His mother asked.

"Si." Sausage said hopefully.

"Then yes, please have fun!" His mother said excitedly, "Just come pick up your stuff."

Sausage hung up.

"Okay, I got like, a little bit of what you said." Pearl laughed.

"I would speak in English, but you know my madre, it's easier to speak in Spanish." Sausage laughed too.

"Cool! Let's head to your place then. Do you want to catch el autobus?"

"Ohh, look at you speaking Spanish!" Sausage awed.

Pearl laughed and they waited at the bus stop.

"Once we grab your stuff, do you think your mom will drive us to mi casa?" Pearl asked.

"Yeah, she should. As long as you ask her nicely and in Spanish." Sausage said.

Pearl rolled her eyes, "I only know a bit of Spanish."

"You'll do fine." Sausage said, patting Pearl on the back.


"Adios mama!" Sausage kissed his mother on the cheek.

"Adios, I love you!" His mother waved goodbye as Pearl and Sausage got out of the car.

She drove them to Pearl's house since Pearl was able to form a sentence asking her nicely to drop them off.

Pearl led Sausage into her house, and he threw his stuff onto the ground in her room.

"Sooo, how's it going with fWhip?" Pearl asked, making small talk as Sausage rolled out his sleeping bag.

Sausage turned bright red, "Nothing! Absolutely nothing."

"Are you sure?"

Sausage then sighed, "We've been over this, Pearl. Me and fWhip... we're just friends. I know it. I've seen the way he acts around me."

"So, you've seen how he always turns red, starts stuttering, and doesn't focus on any of us, just you?"

"He does not!"

Pearl shrugged, "Sureeee. Like that time that he was trying to present something in our class and the minute you left to go use the restroom, he was talking normally, but when you came back, he started stuttering again and turned as red as his hair."

"We're just friends." Sausage said, though it hurt to think so.

He and fWhip have been friends for about a year now.

They met because of Pearl and Gem being friends.

He had a crush on fWhip, but he knew that it would never work out.

"Just friends." He muttered again under his breath.

"If you say so. But I'm telling you, there's more." Pearl said, "Have you seen how red you get around him?"

Sausage shook his head, trying to ignore his friend.

"Now, which movie do you want to watch?" Pearl asked.

"Avenger Endgame!" Sausage said, happy that she changed the subject.

"Alright, let's pop some popcorn and get ready."

They got up and walked into her kitchen, Sausage was excited for the movie, but he couldn't shake the thought of fWhip.

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