Chapter 16

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•Flashback continues•

•After few weeks•

•As Iu said that She and Sooho should avoid each other, she did her Job well, she avoided him but this time Sooho couldn't. He wasn't able to take how Iu was avoiding him. Because before when he was avoiding her at least he was able to see her but now Iu makes sure that she won't even come in front of his eyes anymore•

•She thought that its for the best if she leaves this place, that's why right after two days of hearing Sooho's confession, Iu talked to the Principal about her transfer to a new college. Principal was surprised but she somehow managed to make Principal agree•

•She only needed to stay here for few weeks and now she only has 2 days left to teach here after that she will be transfer. One is today and second is tomorrow•

•Iu was in the staff room talking to her colleagues, some students were in the staff room helping their teachers with some work•

•Suddenly one of Iu's colleague said •

Colleague: so sad you are leaving after tomorrow. I'm gonna miss you.
Iu: I'm gonna miss you too but don't worry we will gonna hangout sometimes.

•The students who were in the staff room heard everything after that those students made this news spread everywhere in college within a day. Still Sooho didn't know anything about it•

•Next day•

•It was Iu's last day in this college, many student came to meet her and said they gonna miss her and all. Iu had to leave this place for Sooho's and for her future. Iu knew that with the skills she have, she would get transfer easily anywhere but if Sooho cause any trouble for himself it can ruin his future, so to avoid that trouble she took such decision•

•Sooho came to college, on the way to his class he heard people saying 'Why Miss Iu is leaving, I'm gonna miss her'•
•Sooho halted and went towards them•

Sooho: What did you just said
Student: what, what do you want man, you scared me.
Sooho: I asked what did you just said.
Student: I just said 'Why Miss Iu had to go, I'm gonna miss her' that's it. What's de-

•Sooho interrupted him and asked•

Sooho: where she's going?
Student: she's transferring to new college tomorrow, today's her last day here. You don't know ?? whole college knows, where is your mi-

•Without hearing Sooho sprinted•

•Iu was walking in the corridor, she was going towards the class for her last class but suddenly someone pulled her and took her at the rooftop•

Iu: what the, what is this behaviour Sooho, a student shouldn't do this to his/her teacher. Don't forget that.

Sooho: Why are you leaving?
Iu: and why should I tell you?
Sooho: JUST, just tell me why are you leaving

•Sooho said with a raised voice•

Iu: (sigh) look Sooho, I told you already but for the last time listen to me once again carefully, its for you and me, it will do good for me and for you. I don't want any trouble for you And I don't want myself in a trouble as well. I hope you understand.

Sooho: No don't go, don't go I promise I will get rid of this feeling, please (joining hands) please don't leave, I can't afford if you leave me too please. Stay beside me please.

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