'That's no problem, Dad is going to keep training me and you go and train yourself' I sent him. I could feel that he wouldn't go if I wasn't onboard with the idea, and I really wanted to support him any way I could. Papa has done so much for me in these past years, so I wanted to repay him as much as I could.

I could feel he was still hesitating.

"I will look after her, you really don't need to worry." Dad said, not being able to hear, that this was the same I just sent him. But this double confirmation seemed to convince Papa.

"In that case I guess I should really go."

"Great. Pack your things, everything is already prepared." Agrona said with a wide smile. I could just feel how he loved to throw Arthur into this new situation, completely unprepared.

"What? NOW?" Arthur asked him, surprised. Dad's smile grew even wider, which told Papa everything he needed to know.

Papa looked a bit defeated and turned and started to pack the few things he had.

"Did you really have to do it this way?" I asked Dad in a quiet voice, so Papa wouldn't hear.

"You know how much I like it, to throw him in the deep end." he said with his devilish smile. I had to admit, it was quite funny to watch Arthur, who was normally so on top of things, so unprepared.

Seris Vritra POV

"It's so nice to see you, Scythe Seris" Corbett Denoir welcomed me. I had informed them that I would drop by, so the whole family stood next to him, his wife Lenora, as well as Lauden and Caera.

I simply nodded to each of them.

"If you could follow me," Corbett said, leading me to a room on the side, which was some kind of meeting room. After we sat down Corbett took a second, before asking:

"Might I ask for the reason for your visit?"

"I am here because I need to borrow Caera. It's time for another accent, don't you think?"

Corbett looked surprised.

It hadn't been long since her blood manifested, which boosted the reputation of highblood Denoir even further, than it had already been. Even before her blood manifested I took an interest in her, since I had a feeling and she was learning really fast. Not as fast as a certain child, but certainly faster than anyone else.

Before her blood manifested she constantly visited the relictombs with her two bodyguards, but since her manifestation her foster parents decided that it wasn't worth the risk anymore. I knew she was burning to go back in there and I had to talk her out of running away multiple times.

As I heard, that Arthur was going to enter the relictombs I immediately thought of letting her accompany him, since he could use a guide and some company in there, and she might be able to learn a lot from him, as well as it would get her out of her house arrest and to the place she loved so much.

Corbett took a second to think about his reply. "While we are thankful that you take care of our daughter and train her, it might be wiser for her to stay here for some time. She hasn't had the time to get used to her new powers, so it would be too risky to send her into that place."

That was my mistake. I had forgotten that I couldn't ask for opinions, and had to order instead. But if I offended the Denoirs too much Viessa would only complain to me, as it was her job to keep them quiet.

But the convincing was quite easy, if I did it right.

I gave him a smile. "That's actually the reason I want her to go. I am sure you heard of a certain young boy in Taegrin Caelum?"

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