Chapter 11

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Reynolds Leywin POV

Vincent and I woke up early and went to the auction house. He had a meeting with a noble, who was interested in some of the things Vincent sold, so Vincent had to come in person. Sometimes I wonder why we even have nobility. They all demand extra treatments but have done nothing for it. Maybe their great grandfather did, but they still walked everywhere, like they owned the world. The funny thing is, that the nobles who earned their title were more down to earth and were quite humble.

While I waited at the entrance I thought about what we should do with the girl. Vincent and I agreed that we will visit the town hall after this meeting and inform the authorities. Unfortunately they will just note it down and offer us to bring her into an orphanage. And once she was there, I give her a week before she was 'adopted' and her situation wouldn't be any different from Vincent not buying her and leaving her to other bidders.

So Vincent said that he would talk to some of his contacts, if anyone could arrange a transfer back to Elenoir for her. If she would talk, we could help her more, but it was a traumatizing experience for her, so we needed to give her some time. I am sure she is afraid of humans now, which didn't exactly make it easier. Maybe I could reach Helen and she would trust her more. If we knew her name it would be much easier to find her parents.

A loud noice from inside the room disrupted my train of thought. I barged into the room, augmenting my fists in the process. The noble sat on a wall, a sword in his hand. The sword was burning and the fire proceeded to climb his arm. Vincent stood some meters away and looked in shock. There was a smoke bubble next to him.

I rushed over to the noble since Vincent seemed fine. As I started to put out the fire the noble stood up.

"You could have told me that it would explode! " He screamed at Vincent.

"With all due respect Lord Ravenpor, I have told you that it was a fire artifact, and that you had to be careful when imbuing it." Vincent countered with a polite expression. I knew he thought the same about nobility as I did earlier right now.

The nobleman huffed. "Well, I will go and get myself cleaned. I will visit again." After saying that we left the room.

"Well, that went perfectly." Vincent shook his head. "Anyways, let's go to the town hall, shall we?"

I nodded.


On our way to the town hall we drove by a teleportation gate, which had a lot of guards around it. They controlled the identity of each person coming or going through the gates, a procedure that was abandoned years ago.

As we reached the town hall I noticed that there were much more guards here too. They stood in smaller groups, looking like they were waiting for something. Vincent and I walked to the town hall, but were stopped by a guard at the entrance.

"Because of a political emergency the town hall is closed for today."

"It's really urgent. Can you please look if I could get an appointment today?" Vincent pleaded.

"I can't make an exception, I would have to let anyone get an appointment." the guard said with an emotionless face. I could see Vincent getting frustrated. "And that today, off all days." he let out.

"Oh, hello Mr. Helstea!" A voice from behind us greeted Vincent. As we turned around I could see a girl. It was the princess of Sapin, Kathyln Glayder. "Why don't you accompany me inside. Whatever it is, you are here for, I am sure we can find someone. I can't let a friend of my father stand here, can I?" she said.

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