Chapter 18

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Arthur Leywin POV

I hurried to Agronas office holding Sylvia's daughter against my chest, like one would carry a baby. Well, she just hatched, which qualified her as a baby, I guess. I noticed how fast I was there. Up until now I had always walked to the office, while I was using mana to get there faster.

I knocked on the door, waiting for a signal to come in. After a few seconds of silence I knocked again, but the awaited signal didn't come.

But since there was no reaction at all I decided to open the door. The office was empty.

'Papa not here?' I could hear her ask in my mind.

'I guess not. We will have to wait till he comes back.' I answered. While I was waiting for his return I took a closer look at her.

She had yellow eyes with vertical eye slits, like reptiles do, that were relatively large, at least compared to the rest of her. Her small wings were much too short to allow flight, even her legs were longer. I inspected her wings a bit more, noticing that I could see through the skin between the bones. It wasn't easy, but the skin was really thin there. I noticed how her black scales were missing at her wings, leaving her onyx skin exposed.

The scales covering the rest of her body were really small, so small that one would have to look very closely to be able to see a singular one, instead of the whole thing. They all had a reflecting surface, that reminded of a lacquer of brand new cars.

'What's a car?' she asked in my mind.

'Wait, how do you know all the other things, but wonder what a car is?' She had known what different things were, but how did she? I mean, she was just born.

'A voice had explained the world to me, when I was in the egg. She explained to me a lot, but not what a car is.'

That must have been Sylvia preparing her for the world. Well, how do I explain what a car is? An image flashed in front of my mind, trying to explain it. I thought about the way it worked, how I could simplify the mechanics to explain it.

'Ah, I see. So it's a transportation device, yes?' she asked.

'Wait, you can see my memories too?' I asked.

'Seems like it. I will use them to teach myself some things, if that's okay for you?'

'Yeah, sure.' I didn't want to keep anything from her, since what was left of Sylvia. It was only natural to take care of her and help her in every way I could, not only because she was Sylvia's child, but also because she was just an innocent child. Who would I be to not help her, especially with my poor childhood in my previous life.

I focused on my memories that I regarded especially important to help her. Now that I knew she was able to see them, it would be much easier to help her adjust to this situation. I started with showing her my previous life, since I thought it would make most sense to go through the whole thing chronologically. I started showing her my childhood in the orphanage, the murder of Headmaster Willbeck, my training afterwards. My time training under Vera, the duel with Cecilia.

Sadness overcame me at the memory of her death. How she had jump attacked me, with me raising my sword up with all I had, in the hopeless attempt to save my own life. If she had followed through with that attack I would have been dead on the spot, but instead she dispersed all of her Ki at the last second.

I still remembered the feeling of my sword burying itself into her chest, impaling her. How she hung on the sword, before I realized what just happened. I dropped her to the ground and hurried to try to stabilize the wound, to try to stop the bleeding. She had just grabbed my head and forced me to look into her eyes.

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