Chapter 3

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"Come in"

Scythe pushed open the doors, which revealed a wide room. To the left there were a lot of bookshelves, filled with books of all sizes, but one thing in common. They looked old. Not in the 'shabby old books' way, but more in the 'very important books full of wisdom' kind of way. To the right was an open area, with an anvil-like thing standing out in the open. It was the same as the device that took us here, I realized.

And at the other end of the room, behind a huge desk, sat the man with the elk like horns.

Agrona Vritra.

He looked even more powerful, more elegant and more godly in presence than he looked in the portraits, and that was something I thought wasn't possible. He was writing something, and looked up, when we entered the room.

"Cadell!" he welcomed Scythe, which left me confused. Wasn't Scythe his name? "You're back. How did it go? " He asked, with an expecting undertone. N

Now I understood why Cadell was so on edge this entire time. If this was the being I had to report to, I wouldn't be excited to come with apparently bad news too.

"Well, I found Lady Saylvia in a cave in Dicathean, but she was badly wounded. She used some kind of Aether Art, and her wound suddenly got worse. I suspect she gave this boy her will., since all of her runes disappeared at the same moment. I had to knock her unconscious, so I brought her here with me, and she is being treated right now as we speak, but I have little faith in her survival. Her wound is pretty serious, even for an Asura. As for the other thing, she didn't have it. If you wish I will start my search at once. " he finished.

Agrona nodded slowly. He stood up, and turned around and watched out of the window. The view behind him was breathtaking, you could see for miles. This Building, whatever it was, was built on a mountain, and you could see all the way to the sea from here. The city at the coast was brightly shining, in the pitch black night. Only the starlight allowed me to see anything, but what I saw was surprising. The Landscape I saw did not match any Landscapes I saw on a map back in Ashber.

"Were on a different continent" I blurted out, which earned me a warning look from Cadell. But Agrona only looked amused. "Yes we are. May I know what your name is. And while we're at it, what did you do in that cave with Sylvia?" He asked me curiously.

I decided it was best not to lie, but I didn't want to tell him the whole truth either. He was still the man Cadell answered to, and Cadell and Sylvai weren't on the same side, as it seemed. "My Name is Arthur Leywin. I lost my family on a trip to Xyrus, and fell in the cave, here Sylvia helped me and tried to open a portal back to my parents"

"Yes, that seems to be the case, '' he said slowly, which confirmed my suspicion that he could tell if I tried to lie to him. "But that doesn't explain why Sylvia went out of her way to help you, especially considering her position. Not only that, but she gave you her will too. There's something missing. " He looked at me, with a puzzled expression. And then, something clicked in him.

"Grey" he said. My expression must have betrayed me, since his former questioning eyes turned into triumphant eyes in an instant. "How ironic. She sabotaged my Ritual of summoning you here and instead summoned you in Dicatheon, only to present you to me on a silver plate like that"

He was the one who summoned me here, to let me reincarnate? But Sylvia said the experiment she disrupted belonged to her husband? So was he her husband?

"You're Sylvia's husband?" I asked, unsure.

"So she told you about me. I guess she also told you my goal?"

I shook my head, she only mentioned the experiment at the side, and blocked all questions regarding her past.

"Well, I guess this will take some time. Cadell, you can go. Look for it. If Sylvia doesn't make it, it's all I have."

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