Chapter 34

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Arthur Leywin POV (Erith flashback)

We reached the laboratory, where Iana and her colleagues had worked on encasing our kind. I followed her down the subterranean corridors until she opened a door on the right side and rushed inside, with me following.

The room was huge and filled with all kinds of metallic devices I couldn't identify.

"Get all the mana and aether ready to transfer to me, you have around 5 minutes" she commanded, as she put our baby Theo onto an operating table in the center of the room and then started to activate the various artifacts in the room.

The door opened again and another djinn pair entered the room.

"Ah, Per, good you're here." Iana greeted the man.

"Yeah, I got your message, good Idea."

"He's a colleague of mine, I sent him a message on our way here, telling him to get here." she explained to me. "And you must be Claire?" she asked the woman, who nodded.

"I am sure Per already told you, we are going to need every drop of mana and aether we can get, so please prepare to transfer all you can toward us."

Claire nodded and set down next to me and began meditating as well.

Per and Iana went to work on the artifacts and talked about what to do, but I couldn't understand it well, as their whole conversation was bombarded with terminology unknown to me.

The only thing I managed to understand was the problem of missing manpower. Normally they were around 8 people who encased one person, and now they were only two to encase five.

Well, Claire and I would support them and Iana has complained a lot about how eight were too much and that it would be fine with four people instead of eight, and how they could double their speed that way.

I closed my eyes and focused on my part.

A couple minutes later I could hear a handclap.

Per and Iana stood next to Theo, having placed a huge crystal, maybe 1 meter tall, next to him. They nodded to us, as a signal to start with the aether and mana transfer.

I once again closed my eyes and focused with all of my white core to let all the environmental mana flow into my core and from there to the two of them, as well as begged all the aether to follow this flow.

I could feel how the aether reacted. But it was weird. Normally when I tried to influence aether just about 5% of the ambient aether reacted, with the best of us being able to control up to around 20%.

But right now, all of the aether reacted. Every single drop of aether in the area reacted to me, but not only me, but to Claire, Per and Iana as well.

My eyes sprung wide open, and gave a questioning look toward my wife, asking if this was the work of an artifact, or some special spell.

Her surprised face told me that this was something she has never seen before.

"What is happening?" Claire asked.

"We don't know," Per answered her. "But let us just use this, while it lasts. With this we might actually be able to encase all of us."

Wait, did they not think so before? And why was there this weird look Iana shot him as he said that?

Per started to cast a spell, I could feel the vivum aether art taking hold of Theo, while Ianas Spatium spell moved the crystal closer toward Theo.

Slowly the crystal began to phase into Theo, overlapping with him. When he was in the middle Iana stopped with the spell and began using an artifact next to the table, while Pers's spell still worked on connecting Theo's body with the crystal.

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