Chapter 24 Demon Wings

Start from the beginning

Rustal: Hello, Gaelio.

Gaelio: Where is Hyun...?

Rustal didn't say anything, looking behind him.

Rustal: Come on in.

Rustal moved to the side, allowing Hyun to walk in, relieving Gaelio.

Gaelio: Good, you're alright.

Hyun just chuckled.

Hyun: I appreciate the concern. But you should worry about yourself. You look like shit.

Rustal: He should be court martialed for his actions at Arbrau, but given how he's a subordinate of yours, I decided to wait, so I can hear from the both of you.

Gaelio soon began narrowing his eyes, thinking of the events that happened.

Gaelio: McGillis...  McGillis is the one responsible for what what happened.

Rustal: McGillis?

Gaelio: He orchestrated not only Kudelia and Tekkadan's appearance at Arbrau, but Carta and my deaths as part of a larger scheme to increase his own power within Gjallarhorn.

Hyun: I feel as I had a part to play in it. A part of me had a feeling there's something about him that didn't sit right. But I was too concerned about revenge I ignored it.

Gaelio: He knew that and used you to make himself look better, suggesting Hyun under go that damn surgery...!

Rustal: Surgery? You don't by chance mean-

Hyun: Yeah. The Alaya Vijnana.

Rustal just looked at Hyun with interest.

Rustal: I see. So you were able to survive the operation. Remarkable. In any case, I believe what you both are saying.

Hyun just looked at Rustal confused.

Hyun: You do? That didn't take much convincing.

Rustal: Let's just say, I've known how ambitious that man has been since he was a child. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Rustal then looked at both Hyun and Gaileo.

Rustal: If I'm to go against McGillis, then I would like for you both to become my subordinates apart of the Arianrhod Fleet. Your knowledge and skills well be a valuable assist.

Gaeilo: Very well.

Hyun: Then you can count me in as well.

Gaeilo looked over at Hyun.

Gaeilo: You don't need to concern yourself with this, Hyun.

Hyun: I know I don't. And honestly, I've decided to let go of my hatred towards Tekkadan....


Nhazul: Do you ever stop talking?! All you ever talk about is that old man. Do you even get it? He was looking for a place to die himself.

Hyun: You keep saying that...!

Nhazul: He did it for you and your squad!

Hyun: Huh?

Nhazul: Despite being the enemy, he was still respectful to us. He was like characters I like in stories. The only one disrespecting his memory is you.

Hyun: Lieutenant Crank...


Hyun: I let my want for revenge cloud my mind, which allowed McGillis's clams to hold more weight to them.

Demon Coin (Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans x OC/Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now