chapter 2- More Introductions!

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---chapter 3---
a/n: hey guys! sorry its taken a week, i had a stroke surprisinglly! anyways, onto the next chapter!

i sighed. tears welled up in my brown orbs. i did miss him, but....


i turned around. I saw my best friend, sumaya running towards me. sumaya was a 13 year old first year in our school, and my best friend. weve known each other for a while and shes always been there for me.

"Sumaya...?" i asked, confused.

"Maya, what are you doing here? hurry up, youre late dumb hoe"
she grabbed my hand and we ran to the gates, desperate to avoid our late detention.

Once we reached the big, silver gates, we came to a halt, desperately attempting to catch our breaths. i checked my watch, 9am on the dot, but Miss gremlin was standing outside the door with a stern look on her face. "both of you troublemakers, detention after school." i saighed, disappointed. Miss gremlin was an annoying, white middle aged teacher. she was probably racist too.

"B-b-but-" i struggled to get out my words, practically melting at her serious gaze.

"NO buts half-bree- i mean, miss maya. straight to class please." she walked away tutting and murmuring something. what was she going to say? i wondered.


after our lessons, me and sumaya sat down in silence in the classroom. i sighed, i was bored to death. Miss gremlin glared at me. i looked at the clock. 6:30pm.

"umm.. miss.. are you allowed to keep us in this lo-"

"NO talking back you immig- i mean, miss maya."

i sighed again. this was gonna take a while. suddenly, the door slammed open and someone walked in.

 suddenly, the door slammed open and someone walked in

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it was han. he was a senior and one of the troublemakers of the school. he was a bad boy. he was sort of good looking but hed necer fall for little old me . i sighed.

disappointed that we'd never be an item. he was someone id admired for a while. walking behind him was hyunjin, his thug best friend, kind of empty headed and i think hes racist too but i dont know the details. i looked down at myself, embarrassed at my looks. i probably looked plain and boring to them.

 i probably looked plain and boring to them

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(this is hyunjin btw)

Han walked in and glared at miss gremlin.
"you'd better get rid of my detention, or my mandem will shank you up G" he said boldly, eyes trained to her in determination, giving her one of his famous death stares.

i fanned myself in disbelief, he was extremely attractive. he looked in my direction and caught my admiring gaze. Flustered, i looked down and i felt my face heating up, i knew i was turning a bright shade of red.

"oi you, lookin like peppa pig, what you lookin at"

i looked up, shocked.
"I...I..." i was too overwhelmed and teared up.
But sumaya wasnt having it.
She stood up, half the size of Han.
"Oi you, you roadman, come here and let me drag you, its on sight. watch, ill get MY mandem on you, you'll go home crying"

he scoffed. "try me" she grabbed his bleached, split ends and dragged him dowb to the ground, thena she stepped on him as he cried and begged for mercy. miss gremlin watched in horror. she turned to me.
"come on maya" I got up, shocked, and followed her. Hyunjin backed up from sumaya and went to tend to the crying Han. in my head, i mentally groaned. he definitely hates me now.

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