Chapter 5- Harry and Maya's origin

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---chapter 5----
a/n: sorry guys! i had a hard time when i got fired for accidentally burning the mcdonalds down and burnt my arm reulting in an amputation of my left arm. kinda weird lol!!! anyways, lets see what will happen with maya!

She came closer with the scissors in her hand, about to cut off my luscios coily bouncy 4b locks when a voice was heard.

Everyone looked up towards the direction of the voice. Was it Han oppar?!

It was Harry. I mentally groand.

"stop it everyone!" he walked up to us." we need to make love guys, not peace!" he said passionately.

Rifah stood up and turned to look at him.
"who do you think you are?"

Harry frowned at her and said,"you're insecure, don't know what for..." he shook his head.

dfor some reason his words were familiar, but i couldnt put my finger on it.

Suddenly, Rifah's temper was cut short as she lunged at him with her scissors, but Harry just moved back.
Rifah tripped on a piece of air particle and fell to the floor, then rolled off, in the speed of light, from the roof with a booming scream. I was shocked. Is that murder? Salem let go of me and walked towards Hajar who was already unlocking the door.
"I told you she was useless.. a girl that short isn't even a threat"

They threw us a dirty looked and walked away.

I got up and brushed the dirt off my shoes and sighed, disheartened.

I faced Harry.

"why are you here?" I questioned, arms crossed.

"I was looking for you," he said, his blue eyes gleamed in the sun as he smiled at me lovingly." I have a few words to say to you!" he said.

I sighed and looked away. It wasnt always like this. I didnt hate Harry but ....

--3 years ago--

I waited for Harry backtage after his concert. my heart was beating so fast. Watching him sing with his luscios british viice was so beautiful.  I waited and waied for what felt like hours. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 50 minutes. I was a biut to leave when i heard giggles from the hallway. Ugh. His fangirls. I turned to see MY harry in a crown of teenage girls, giggling and flirting. I frowned, jealous. was he enjoying it? I wouldnt let this go on for any loger.

"HEY!" i yelled.
they turned to me, smiles dropping with disgusted faces at. the sight of me. I felt stabbed to the heart. It was because i was different.... i deduced. Im just.. im not like other girls, so im usually picked on for being didferent... If only i was like them...

My confidence dropped."G-get away from him! he's mine!" I squeaked, pathetically. The girls laughed at me. I felt tears well up in my eyes again. Harry just stared at me apologetically. Then, i heard her voice.

I turned around. It was Sumaya! Her 5 year old voice echoed the hallways. Zhe had her spongebob backpack on. Did she just return from nursery?

They started laughing, but suddenyl Sumaya ran to them at full speed, attacking them and biting their ankles as she couldn't reach any higher. The girls began to scream and run Way. I walked up to sumaya. "Thank you" ai smiled.

She gave me a thumbs up and a smirk. "anytime" she looked at me and harry and deduced that we needed somee time alone. "well i have some homework to finish, so ill be leaving now" she walked away coolly.
I smiled, touched at her empathetic gesture.

I looked back up at Harry. He looked back at me.

"Listen," i said,"I know you cant help it but i cant stand the fact thay you have so many fangirls and i cant help but feel self concious."  and you dont stick up for me against them... i said mentally. "I just dont think this will work out."

He looked at me, heartbroken. "No! Wait! I'm sorry! I'll fix things! I'll do anything!" he begged desperately, but i just shoock my head with tears in my deep brown orbs.

"I'm sorry."

I walked away, and from that day on decided to avoid him at all costs and start anew. However, Harry had other plans, coming up to me and trying to steal my heart by giving me flowers and giving me compliments. Alas, my heart was guarded perfectly, and not a single one of his advances got through to my cold stone heart. I've just been let down so much... if only i was like other girls....

---back to present---

I sighed, intending to walk away, but he grabbed my arm when he saw me shift towards the door.

"Just.. hear me out.. please, just this once?"

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