Chapter 3: Familiar Faces

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Y/N and Twilight were just about to begin exploring when Y/N gently pulled her aside.

Twilight: What's wrong, Y/N?

Y/N: Twilight, I believe it's best if you refrain from disclosing your identity as a pony princess from another dimension, or the existence of magic, to anyone here.

She furrowed her brow, puzzled by his request.

Twilight: What? Why?

Y/N: Think about it, Twilight. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine being someone in this dimension, where magic is just a fairy tale, and then suddenly someone tells you they're a pony princess from another dimension with magical abilities. You'd likely question their sanity.

Twilight pondered Y/N's words for a moment before nodding in understanding.

Twilight: Hmm, good point. Alright, I won't tell anybody. If it's that important to you, then I'll keep it to myself.

A smile spread across Y/N's face upon hearing her response.

Y/N: Thank you. It means a lot.

Y/N then offered a helpful linguistic tip with a gentle chuckle.

Y/N: By the way, in this world, we say "anybody" instead of "anypony." The same goes for other words like "nobody" or "everybody."

Twilight: Oh, I see. Thanks for letting me know.

Y/N paused, his mind whirring with possibilities.

Y/N: Now, let's think of a cover story.

Both Y/N and Twilight fell into a thoughtful silence, mulling over potential scenarios. After a moment of contemplation, Y/N's face brightened with an idea.

Y/N: How about this? You could be my childhood friend who had to stay with me and my parents because your parents went on a month-long business trip.

Twilight furrowed her brow, considering the proposal.

Twilight: Hmm, I think that could work. But what if we run into Sunset?

Y/N: We'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it, I guess. But we'll need to be cautious when retrieving the crown from Sunset. Since we don't know exactly where she's hidden it, we may have to integrate you as a student here. We'll need to speak with Principal Celestia to get you enrolled. Besides... I have some business to attend to there anyway.

Twilight: What business?

Y/N then flashed a sheepish grin.

Y/N: Well, I'm uh... kind of late for school.

Twilight only gave you a look that could only be described as a "Really?" look.

Twilight raised an incredulous eyebrow.

Twilight: Seriously?

Y/N scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

Y/N: I lost track of time.

Spike chimed in with a skeptical expression.

Spike: That's a pretty terrible excuse, even by your standards.

Y/N: I'll admit, it's not my finest moment.

Then, Y/N turned to Spike with a thoughtful expression.

Y/N: Oh, one more thing, Spike. In this world, animals aren't exactly known for their ability to speak. So, it might be best if you stick to barking for now.

Spike nodded in understanding, a hint of disappointment flickering across his features.

Spike: Oh, okay then.

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