22. Finally.

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"What do you want Austin?" Kaia asked when the boy appeared out of nowhere as she was retrieving her things from her locker.

"I need your help with Lisa again," the boy said. Kaia blanched dramatically.

"My help? As much as I hate to admit it I am almost certain my sure fire advice did not work last time."

"If it was sure fire why didn't it work?"

'Maybe because Lisa was already with someone else and she still is?' Kaia said in her head.

"I don't know Austin," she sighed. Knowing that she knew the popular kids secrets and that they needed her help was not as awesome as she thought it would be. Now Austin was asking her for help she couldn't provide because he wanted something he could never have. AND she couldn't tell him that because if she did the two scariest girls in school would tear her apart for spilling their secret.

"Well whatever, I still need your help. Lisa is single again," Kaia held back a scoff, "and I really want her back."

"... so what do you need me for?"

"Well, you're a girl- I think- what should I do to like, woo her and make her fall in love with me?" Kaia made a face at the 'I think' part.

"I don't know, a boy has never tried to woo me before," she said almost bitterly.

"Well... if a boy did what would you want him to do?"

She answered without hesitation. "He couldn't do any one act. He would have to prove himself over time so I knew he really liked me. I'd like him to first give me flowers- preferably white roses. Then after a few days perhaps I'd like a box of chocolates, which is, as you know, always romantic. Then maybe a heartfelt poem or two... I'm sure you catch my drift," she finally finished. It may come to you as a surprise but Kaia frequently fantasized about what a boy (named Dylan) would do to 'woo' her.

"Woah that sounds like a lot of work...”

"Well, that's what it takes to get a lady... although I'd hardly call Lisa that," she mumbled the last part, "If you're not serious about this then don't try." As much as she disliked Lisa she felt bad for what she was doing now. Austin was a man whore, and she almost felt sorry she was fueling his behavior.

"I am serious! I really want her back. My rep has gone way down and no girl even compares to how hot she is. I'm sure she's desperate for some action now that she's single," he smirked.

Kaia just sighed.

"Well, I've given you all the advice that I can offer Austin," she said before promptly walking away. What had she just done?


Rosé was simply elated. She couldn't remember a time in her life when she was happier, other than when Lisa agreed to be her girlfriend... or when her and Lisa went on their first date, or this morning... really a lot of her happiest moments were with Lisa.

She had never been a relationship person, but if she was being honest with herself she was always jealous of people that were. She envied those cute as fuck, annoying-ass couples that couldn't go two seconds without having some sort of physical contact. She'd roll her eyes at any show of affection.

Well, now she knew how they felt. She had seen Lisa not but twenty minutes ago and she already missed her. Her mind wandered back to their morning together...

Sweet Nothing - ChaelisaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant