18. Caught

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"Oh. My. R-Rosé," Kaia breathed as Rosé and Lisa froze in shock.

They glanced at each other as Kaia's eyes continued to widen before she spoke again,
"Chaelisa is real!" before she finished Rosé acted fast and yanked her out of everyone's sight- in between them so she wouldn't be able to get away.

"Don't you dare say a word about this- got it?" the blonde growled," You didn't see anything."

Lisa would be thinking about how badass protective Rosé was just so attractive but of course she had to focus on their relationship being outed.

Fucking Gerber.

"I won't, of course not!" Kaia said as if it were second nature to comply with whatever Rosé said. Being Kaia though she just had to make her thoughts known, "But why don't you want to be seen as a couple? You already dated- it's not like it would ruin either of your reputations."

Rosé gripped her harder. "What did I tell you about sticking your giant nose where it doesn't belong?"

But the Christian girl was used to her bullying by now. Over the years she had learned that Rosé would only get physical, like punching, when someone actually posed a physical threat to her, which Kaia did not.

So she continued talking.

"Fine, if you won't tell me why this has to stay a secret then I'll tell people about you two."

"What did you say?" Lisa sneered. "You don't understand what you're dealing with hobbit," the cheerleader warned.

Kaia smiled before screaming, "DYLAN, DYLAN, SOMEBODY HELP ME!" They panicked and her mouth was quickly covered.

"Shut up Gerber!"

A shadow appeared from around the corner and Rosé quickly let her go.

"Kaia? Lisa, Rosé? What's going on?" Dylan asked confused as always," Are you okay Kaia?" She glanced at the two obviously nervous girls before replying, "No I'm fine- just a simple misunderstanding. You can go now." The tall boy eyed them suspiciously before nodding.

"I'll be close by if you need me."

"Thank you Dylan. That's very kind." He smiled before disappearing again.

"Now- are you going to tell me?" Kaia pushed. Lisa glared but realized that her whole lifestyle was on the line.

"What's it going to take for you to not tell anyone and for me not to tell you why I can't tell you?" she asked carefully.

"Lili... you can't trust a dwarf," Rosé warned. Kaia ignored her and thought.

It didn't take her very long to figure something out.

"... how about you join the PinkPunk Club Lisa?" Kaia asked hesitantly. It's not like she could ask her to be nice to her or make her popular or treat her with dignity could she?!... or maybe she could've? Damn, too late now. Besides, Lisa would probably turn her down anyway...

Lisa was actually expecting it, though.

Hello, this was Kaia Gerber.


The two girls looked at her in astonishment- neither of them really thought she'd agree so fast.

"O-okay then," Kaia said, finally at a loss for words. Lisa's expression turned darker and she got up close and personal to the smaller girl.

"But I'm warning you... if anyone finds out- even your fucking parents- I. Will. End. You." Fear rose in Kaia's eyes and she nodded slightly, "Now go." Without another word she followed the command.

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