20. Telling Jennie

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"Mmm...” Lisa hummed softly, half asleep. She could feel soft pressure tingling all over her face. Something nudged at her cheek and she woke up just that little bit more, though she kept her eyes shut tight. The pressure increased and she was now conscious enough to identify them as kisses.

"Uhhh Rosie...” she groaned," five more minutes...” she absolutely adorned this feeling.

"C'mon Lili, the golf course opens at 10:00 and it's 9:40."

"Mmm but you're so warm and comfy," she said holding her tighter.

"God now I don't want to get up...” Rosé mumbled.

Lisa did a mental happy dance for getting Rosé to comply but it was cut short when her warmth suddenly left her and she flew in the air as Rosé lifted her up and in her arms, screaming.

"H-how did you do that?" Lisa panted, short of breath from the sudden action... and at the fact that she was being carried bridal style by her girlfriend.

"I-I-I I work out!" she sang. Before setting her down gently.

"LMFAO? Really? You're such a dork...” Lisa said, playfully rolling her eyes.

"... but I'm your dork, right?" Rosé said, biting her lip shyly. Lisa's breath hitched at the cuteness she was seeing right now. Who knew Rosé could be so god damn adorable.

"Yeah you are...” she grinned lazily before subconsciously licking her lips. The way the blonde was biting her lip was making Lisa's libido kick in early in the morning.

"God... you should see the way you're looking at me now...” Rosé commented. She saw the sudden change in her girlfriends face as dark eyes got darker. She couldn't help but think that Lisa's previously cute bed hair now looked undeniably like sex hair.

"If it's anything like how you're looking at me now I'd say I looked pretty damn hot."

With that their lips connected heatedly and hands started roaming. After the perfect date and finally becoming girlfriends both of them had to show their passion in some way.

And furiously making out seemed like a really good way to do it.

"Not so tired now are you?" Rosé teased after Lisa let out a loud moan.

"Just shut up and kiss me...” she said, keeping her from speaking by adding tongue into the equation.

It was Rosé's turn to moan.

"HEY!" Someone screamed, seemingly at them. The two girls parted quickly- remembering that their were other people in the world besides themselves.

They looked at each other before looking at the guy who had yelled.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, THIS IS A PRIVATE CLUB!" yup, he was definitely yelling at them. They leaped into action as they realized that they were trespassing right now- and that the guy was getting closer.

"Run Lili!" Rosé yelled picking up the blanket. Lisa took the pillow and they took off into a sprint.

Despite getting caught neither of them were worried. The guy wasn't that close and he couldn't jump the wall with his weight. They couldn't hold back laughter as they ran away from him.

"Go go go!"

"I'M GONNA GET YOU DAMN TEENAGERS!" They leaped over the wall when he was about twenty yards away and dashed into the car- comforter stuffed in Lisa's lap as Rosé put the keys in the ignition and punched it.

They continued to laugh their asses off until she thought they were at a safe enough distance from the angry man and pulled over.

"That was... fucking... HILARIOUS!" Lisa panted out between laughter," That was s-seriously the most fun I've ever had!"

Sweet Nothing - ChaelisaWhere stories live. Discover now