15. Get Your Girl

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"Mae, Phaw, y-you're home early!" Lisa stuttered. They were supposed to be arriving on Friday- she wasn't prepared for this!

'Fuck fuck fuck! I am so fucking screwed!" she mentally panicked. All she had to do was get Rosé out of here right now.

"Yes, luuk saao!"

"Surprise!" her parents said together. However their dazzling, Hollywood-worthy smiles disappeared once they acknowledged their company.

"Lalisa who is this?" Lisa's mother said with the grin that she learned a long time ago to be scared of. It was the 'I'm pissed at you but I don't want to cause a scene, I'll yell at you in private later' smile.

Lisa also knew that her mom knew EXACTLY who Rosé was as she has instructed her daughter many times to stay away from the brown eyed blonde. Rosé's reputation wasn't just around school; it was around the whole town.

"She's a floozy, Lalisa," her mother once said, "Stay away from her or she'll try to get in your pants."

"Mae!" A fourteen-year-old Lisa exclaimed at her mom's trashy words.

"She's right luuk saao, that girl is trouble. I've seen her smoking and drinking in the alleys at night," her dad supported.

"You don't have to worry about her, Mae. I'll stay as far away from her as possible, trust me."

That was only years ago, now look where they were. Making out on the Thai girl's front porch, that's where they fucking were.

"U-um this is Rosé. She was just leaving," Lisa almost gave Rosé a wave and bashful smile but remembered whose presence she was in and glared instead.

But Rosé could tell her heart wasn't in it. Her eyes seemed to say 'I'll explain later' and 'please just go'. She looked between the girl and her parents before saying,

"Yeah. I was. Sorry to take your time." With one last curious glance she turned and left, leaving Lisa to deal with her parents.

"What the hell was that Lisa?" Chanthira Manoban asked. The teenager scoffed and rolled her eyes- she learned how to deal with her parents long ago.

"Ugh, long story."

"Well we have time," he said sternly, "Let's go inside first. I miss my home." They did as he said and settled on the couch.

As much as Lisa wished her parents were more affectionate and understanding she hated whenever they came home. Their homecoming meant more judging, condescending tones, ridiculous expectations and empty hugs.

"Explain now," Chanthira demanded, with the voice she used in court. She would not want to be opposing her mother in the courtroom, she was scary enough as a mom never mind how she was as a lawyer.

For once Lisa decided on the truth- well, obviously not all of it, but if she chose the right words she might be able to get off with minimal damage. She wouldn't go totally unscathed of course but it'd be better than what would happen if she told them what just happened twenty minutes ago.

"First of all, Austin and I broke up."

"What!? But he was perfect for boosting your reputation!" she said. Her mom was usually the voice of her parents, her dad the strong, silent driving force.

"I know but he was an idiot-"


"And he didn't see how amazing I was and broke up with me."

"I hope I don't have to tell you how humiliating a break up is, Lisa."

"I know, of course you don't," good, this was going better than she hoped.

Sweet Nothing - ChaelisaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ